What went before: Under Old Business: There have been ongoing discussions between the stakeholders here at the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory regarding whether or not to bring on a fourth cat. This continues a topic under discussion last February before we jumped from the Timeline That Made Sense to our present position on the Timeline That Doesn’t Make Sense.
Yesterday, the question was called, and all present voted ‘Aye’ with the provision that said new hire would be an older cat, which is to say, not a baby kitten, but a retiree or so-called “older” kitten. We also confirmed that said new hire should be a “kind” of cat — that is to say, a breed. This is nothing against shelter cats; Nicky, Hypatia, Kodi, Max!, and Scrabble were all shelter cats. However, it was felt that, with current crew in-house all being Maine Coons, it would be best to stick with a Clan that’s known to be mellow.
The Secretary of the Board has been directed to seek out possible new hires of the breeds Birman, Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Siberian. One such letter was written yesterday, and has received a reply in the negative.
And that brings us to!
Tuesday. Sunny and cold. Trash and recycling — isn’t that much, I’m lazy, it’s cold — so — next week.
Sun is pouring into my office, but it’s still chilly enough to warrant wearing The Big Fleece Sweater.
Breakfast was an English Muffin with seedless raspberry jelly, an orange, and tea. Kettle on for second cup of tea. Lunch will either be leftover soup, or something else.
I feel — fine. I still do have one day’s worth of meds to finish out, and knock wood that will be the end of that.
I’ve written to a cattery that we had spoken with before Steve died, and have a couple more, non-cat-related, letters to write, but today is mostly going to be dedicated to hitting the Tax Paperwork and seeing how much — and what — Stuff I still need before I can send it on to Gary the Accountant.
Firefly and Rook enjoyed an early game of tag, which Trooper opted out of. Trooper is presently on my copilot’s chair, snoring; Firefly went back to Steve’s office, and I believe I saw Rook heading down the hall to join her.
Summing up — a quiet day planned here at the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory.
What are your plans for the day?
A 4th cat? And here I was thinking I should not go beyond 2. Now you have me thinking again. Hmmmm. Meanwhile, it’s freezing here at night, so I am bringing in the hummingbird feeders after dark and putting them back out in the morning. I’m hoping this is helpful for the year-round residents rather than causing temperature shock at dawn. Aside from trying to get the brain back in gear for work, I have the somewhat dubious pleasure of finally receiving the accessories that will complete my Christmas village — next year.
At 15, Trooper is starting to get frail, and I’m afraid he won’t be with me too much longer. I thought about holding at 2, but the energy levels that come with a kitten (and Maine coons aren’t considered adults until they’re 5), had me rethinking. Firefly deserves some time off, after all.
I understand about inviting in a new member of the family before losing an aging one. My two are 13 and 11 respectively, so it’s probably time to at least start thinking about adding one.