Anything can happen day

What went before:  On this day in 2024, we here at the Confusion Factory found that our podcast at Legendarium regarding Hellspark and why you should read it right now had aired.  This is the last podcast Steve and I did.  Here’s the link.

Yesterday, I was pointed to this ancient blog post regarding the craft of writing, which I offer to those who may be interested.

Wednesday. Sunny and cool.

Breakfast was hummus and naan, cheese and crackers, dreamberries, and tea. Second cup of tea just finished brewing.

I? Am sick. Again. I s’pose I should go back to the clinic, only — I don’ wanna. So, I’m drinking my second cup of tea while I type this broadcast to the universe, after which I will dispatch my duty to the cats, and then I’ll go to the clinic and chat with them about checking for opportunistic pneumonia. Steve two or three times “got over” a bad cold only to land in the ER with pneumonia, and while I wouldn’t have told you my late bout with the flu was anything like “bad,” I am so not a doctor. . .

What else? Ah. As reported yesterday, there will be no (NO) hardcover edition of Sea Wrack and Changewind. I’m very sorry, but my skills proved inadequate to the task. Those who desire a paper copy may of course purchase the trade paper edition ( The ebook edition remains available wherever electrons are sold.

Facebook tells me that “a friend” has reported a profile that is pretending to be me. FB assures me that it is investigating, and if it’s found that this profile violates “community standards,” it will be deleted. I suppose if it’s not found to violate “community standards” it will be allowed to remain, at which time I will either vanish in a puff of pearl-grey smoke OR there will be two of me, and we can share the housework. Watch the skies.

. . . I think that’s all the news. I’ll try to report in later, hoping that it’s NOT from the ER (oh. NOTE TO SELF: Put KIND bars in backpack).

Everybody stay safe, and healthy. And if you feel so moved, please share pictures of your pets.

One thought on “Anything can happen day”

  1. Thank you for the Midlife at Gretna Green recommendation. I just reread the Trade books and was looking to see what and when the successor to Fair Trade would be. The Google AI said the successor is called Trade Lanes. After reading your writing and publishing timeline I have to wonder where it gets its information.
    I am in day 5 of what I assume is a tremendous cold with fever and sinusitis. You have all my sympathy and hopes for a speedy recovery. I would prefer you to not be sick, so the Misery Loves Company adage does not apply.

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