Sunday. Cold and bright.
Today is Rolanni Catches a Break Day. Not quite a Writer’s Day Off, but I intend to do some things that (1) have nothing to do with this manuscript, and (2) are possibly enjoyable.
Breakfast was eggs scrambled with potato and onion, and a slice of homemade whole wheat toast. Lunch will be pork chop, butter beans, dressing.
Random Observation of Fact: Steve’s ring, which I had sized to fit the ring finger on my right hand, is now too big for that digit, and I’ve moved it to the second finger of my left hand, where it fits perfectly.
From the Annals of Feline Investigator Cookie Rookafeller, two items of possible interest to his fandom.
1. Every morning when I get up, I take a pill. This morning, I got up, and due to press of business, did not take the pill immediately. When I returned to the bedroom in order to ingest said medication, I found that Investigator Rookafeller had knocked the bottle to the floor and rolled it halfway down the hall in the direction I had taken re business.
2. I store unbroken boxes behind the sofa in the snow annex until I can get around to flattening them and taking them out to the garage/recycling bin. There is one such box in that position now. This morning, as I passed by to open the curtains, I looked into the box, and saw one of the grey foxes that make up part of the cats’ holdings in the box. I took him out and put him on the floor. Investigator Rookafeller *rushed* over from his resting place, grabbed the fox by the scruff, jumped into the box, placed the fox under a wad of packing material, jumped out, LOOKED at me, and went back to where he had been napping. . . . Right. No monkeying with the evidence, Monkey.
I hope everybody has a lovely day. I may or may not be around. Do feel free to visit among yourselves.