Last Sunday of the year (second in a series)

Sunday. Dullish blue and cool. The weatherbeans tell me that we’re going to hit 40F, that it will rain this afternoon, and won’t that be a mess? Just in time for 50F/4C and Even! More! Rain! tomorrow, when I actually have to go out.

Breakfast was a carton of skyr while I wandered around the house, Looking. With luck, lunch will be salmon cakes. The oven’s heating for sugar cookies, which I never got around to yesterday.

Today I will be Not Writing. I will also not be looking at the Tax Packet, because — no. I will instead be baking sugar cookies, which I never got around to, yesterday, and touching up the spots left paintless by the various installations of smoke alarms and thermostats, not to mention the scar that was Sprite’s contribution to decorating the dining room. I will perhaps knock off early to read, or maybe look inside my embroidery basket. A Structure of Looseness, today.

Against all expectations, I did finish reading another book — A Gentleman Fallen on Hard Times — and I started the next in the Lord Julian series, A Gentleman of Dubious Reputation.

And that’s all I’ve got right now.

What’s everybody reading?

3 thoughts on “Last Sunday of the year (second in a series)”

  1. Grey and rain here as well. Laundry done because I couldn’t sleep. Somehow, not sure how, I never read the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy or accompanying books. Received the set for Christmas and now filling in that little shelf in my personal mental library. Its a nice feeling. Perhaps I will continue to work on the quilt I started many, many times ago..but maybe not. Its that kinda of Sunday.

  2. Still “playing with” my Christmas village lights. Thought I’d solved the problem of multiple batteries by using a multi-pronged adapter and instead found out that the more prongs are used, the dimmer the lights get. Ugh. Meanwhile–raining here and maybe freezing temps tomorrow night, so I will need to remember to bring in the hummingbird feeders overnight. Amazing to me that these little birds remain here year-round despite the low temperatures during the winters.

  3. Continuing to read my Xmas gift of Ribbon Dance. Sunny but coolish here in Las Vegas, a good day for staying in and relaxing with a great book.

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