Saturday. Cloudy, warmer, and heading for the giddy high temp of 35F/2C.
Breakfast was cream cheese on rice crackers with cherries. I have the second mug of tea and the last two sugar cookies here with me at the desk. Lunch will be spaghetti (yes, yesterday’s lunch was supposed to have been spaghetti, but then Plan B went into effect. As it does.).
Today, there will be writing. Given yesterday’s experience, I make no predictions whether or not this will produce a finished draft. I also have a roll of cookie dough in the fridge, so there may be cookie baking, ref “last two sugar cookies” above. P’rhaps a blog post. At some point, I need to Seriously Look At the tax packet, but today is not that day.
Several people have asked me now if I’ll be at Boskone in February. I thought I had answered this, but, in the interests of clarity — No. No, I won’t (will not) be at Boskone. There are several reasons for this — the Actually Getting There being one, and the fact that I’m not much good on panels anymore, between the whole Old thing, and being out of touch with Current Enthusiasms. I’m always happy to read to people, but it’s a long, heartbreaking trip for 30 minutes of pleasure.
I do hope to read to people, and possibly even to chat, online next year. More on that, pending productive thought.
And that’s all I’ve got, on this, the last Saturday of 2024.
What’ve you got?
I thought seriously about pancakes, but the sweetie was on short time before appointments, so I kept it simple: eggs and toast. Then I wrote code for a while. Later, I went to the farm for a belated Yule, which was fun and often silly.