Tuesday. Grey and cool. There is no snow in the Long Back Yard, though there is a skim of ice on the front steps. Trash and recycling at the curb. First cup of tea in hand.
Breakfast is destined to be a PB&J on an English muffin with a follow of red grapes. And more tea, naturally. Lunch — I have so many options for lunch. Really, I’m embarrassed.
So far this morning, Rookie has played fetch — he’s really good at bringing the ball and placing it at my feet — tried to lay claim to the deer antler that has been sitting peaceably on a lower bookshelf for years, and peeled all the sticky notes off of the to-do list. Sigh. A Morning Kitten. *Just* what I need.
I finished *another* book last night — Lord Julian is a quick read, so that puts me at 61 books on the year (57, if we don’t count endless rereads of Diviner’s Bow and a re-read of Salvage Right). I do have the third Lord Julian on deck, but, really, I’m not finishing that one today.
This morning is sewing at St. Mark’s. This will be my first foray, I hope of many; and I have an appointment with the chiropractor in the afternoon. And that neatly accounts for my day, give or take a chore or two.
This is the last day of a very bad year, and I stand in dread of what next year will bring, because, absent a death or two, it’s looking to be worse.
What are your anticipations for the new year?
2025 will be better. Our thoughts shape the Universe so the next year Will Be Better. The Luck has ridden roughly around many this past year.
So often this last year I turned to Liaden stories for comfort food to get me through the bad times as the characters provided hope and resilience and a sense of family. I could slip into a story like a comfortable pair of slippers and jammies. If Clan Korval and Theo’s crew can find better times, I believe we can too.