Three for a Girl

Thursday. US Thanksgiving Day. Cloudy, chilly. We here in Kennebec County rejoice under a Winter Weather Advisory, and anticipate between 2 and 6 inches of heavy, wet, snow.

Breakfast was cheese bread toast, cottage cheese, red grapes. Kettle on for second cup of tea. Lunch/Dinner will be Feast for One. I have turkey, gravy, smashed potatoes, dressing, squash, peas, cranberry sauce, roll, and a piece of apple pie bigger than my head.

Today, I will be laying out the paper edition(s) of Sea Wrack and Changewind. Layout counts as a relaxing activity. No, really, it does.

We watched Episode Three of Magpie Murders last night. Feeling a little impatient with Susan, but that might just be me. Will be watching Episode Four this afternoon or evening.

For those who coming in late, yes, indeed, my new computer is Very Small. No, it is not a Windows machine, nor yet a Mac. Yes, I do know that it runs POP Linux. In fact, the new machine replaces (almost exactly) the machine I’ve been running for the last six years, and which is still doing its job, absent an increased appetite for fans. I have purchased a new computer because this house (still) runs on computer power, and I wished to avoid the upcoming tariffs which will substantially increase the cost of, oh, everything. Pic of the cousins, below.

To everyone feasting and spending time with family today — joy and merriment. To those for whom this is Thursday — the same.

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