Liaden Universe® InfoDump #134

In this issue:

1 Doors Into Change preorder
2 Ribbon Dance News: eARC date, signed hardcovers, publication date
3 Upcoming short stories in collections: Chicks in Tank Tops, The Last Train to Kepler-283c, Familiars
4 Plan B anniversary edition
5 Double Vision
6 Trade Lanes news
7 In the Works
8 Pull-Quote Project


Door Into Change: Fantastic Stories from Archers Beach, by Sharon Lee
This chapbook includes two short stories and a novelette set in Sharon Lee’s notable small town contemporary fantasy world of Archers Beach, Maine.

“The Road to Pomona’s” is a rare precursor to the Archers Beach mythos, that examines the dangers of looking too far into fey matters, if you’re only a mundane human.

“The Vestals of Midnight,” takes place in one of the weirder and most dangerous corners of Archers Beach–the Enterprise, where things just “come in.” Only, what’s come in this time are children, and they’re in very great peril from the Enterprise’s ruling intelligence.

Novelette “Wolf in the Wind” serves up one of the Wise Ones who oversee the Six Worlds, and who might not be as impartial as their office demands.

“This is how things would be if the fae world actually did impinge on our own world.” — SFRevu

“. . . a virtuoso ride, full of the spirit of the carnival, fully aware of the thinness of the veil between the worlds and expert at managing to twitch it aside just enough to matter.” — Alma A. Hromic


Ribbon Dance, the 26th novel set in the Liaden Universe® created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, is the sequel to 2020’s Trader’s Leap. In it, we follow the Tree-and-Dragon Trade Team headed by Master Trader Shan yos’Galan, ably assisted by new Trader Padi yos’Galan, as they attempt to establish if Colemeno, recently emerged from Rastov’s Dust can be made to anchor an exciting new trade route, while attempting to avoid falling afoul of local custom.

1 Ribbon Dance will be published in hardcover, ebook on June 4 2024. We await news of an audiobook edition.

2 The eARC will be available from on March 15

3 Uncle Hugo WILL BE accepting preorders for signed copies of the hardcover in mid-March.


The following upcoming anthologies include stories by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller:
1 Chicks in Tank Tops, edited by Jason Cordova, Baen, February 7 includes Liaden Universe® story “Gadreel’s Folly.”

2 Familiars, edited by Patricia Bray, and Joshua Palmatier, Zombies Need Brains, August, includes “Familiarity.”

3 The Last Train to Kepler-283c, edited by David Boop, Baen, November 5, includes Liaden Universe® story “The Last Train to Clarkesville.”


Baen is reprinting Plan B, the sequel to Carpe Diem, in a spiffy anniversary paperback in October. The book will include a new afterword from the authors.


Double Vision is just that – a collection combining our two different visions. In many cases there are two different understandings of story, some written individually and some written together, things that you may not have seen if you’re dyed in the wool Liaden fans but didn’t tread – or were too young for! – the larger market of anthologies and magazines that helped us get our single and joint careers in motion.

If you are a fan of our Liaden stories, or of Archer’s Beach, for that matter, you’ll find some familiar themes, ideas, and character types … if you’re just started reading our work you might consider Double Vision a kind of primer on the question where we and the Liaden Universe came from.

This Pinbeam Books edition of Double Vision replaces the long-out-of-print SRM Publisher edition published 15 years ago – you can consider this a 15th anniversary edition of that 2009 collection if you like. Most of the text of that edition has been retained but some additional editing and reformatting has been performed.

NOTE: The cover of this edition is used by special permission of the artist, Chris McGrath – it was previously used for the Meisha Merlin edition of Low Port, edited by Lee and Miller.


From Steve and Sharon: “Yes, Trade Lanes is much later than we’d like. Steve’s recasting the book since an insidious plot miscue meant two of the core threads actually conflict with established Liaden Universe® canon. Much of the novel is being rebuilt word by word. At this point, we anticipate turning in a finished manuscript in 2025.”


Sharon is lead on the sequel to Ribbon Dance (title TBA), which is due to Baen in September.


Baen is asking its authors to provide them with fun pull-quotes from their books, for an upcoming PR push. We are therefore asking you, our readers, to help us out. This is your chance to see your favorite Liaden Universe® quote up in lights.

Go here to read the instructions.


Sites of Interest

Lee and Miller Patreon Support Page

Pinbeam Books an online catalog, with vendor links, to all Lee-and-Miller, Miller, and Lee self-published works

Splinter Universe features outtakes, splinters, oddities from the Lee&Miller writing career, currently changes irregularly.

Welcome to Liad The official homepage for Liaden Universe® news

Blogs and Other Webly Things of Note

Sharon Lee’s Blog

Facebook Connections
Steve Miller

Sharon Lee

Clan Korval

Friends of Liad

Flaran cha’menthi







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