At the beginning of the movie, they know they have to find each other

. . .  but they ride off in opposite directions.

So, yesterday, I did manage to write most of the day, with needed breaks for, oh, changing the bed, and taking a walk, and like that.

Anyhow!  Yesterday, I wrote.  I sat down at the keyboard knowing exactly how I wanted this to go, and, 1600 or so words later, discovered that I had written!

Something entirely else.  And worse–it didn’t work.

Yeah, I hate when that happens.  Sometimes–just often enough to let you think that your fingers really do know better–the difference not only works, but it’s better than what the brain put forth.  But, yanno, not always.

So, today, I will write again, and this time I’ll stick to the script, and see if I can’t get this thing put to bed, because tomorrow I really do need to get back to the novel.  I mean, September isn’t getting any further away.

Otherwise here at the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory, RL continues to put itself forward, which doesn’t make it easy to write, though Needs Must of course.  Or, if you like–Necessity.

Speaking of RL–over the weekend, our mailbox fell off it’s post.  I went out in what was then rain and wind to put it back, found it wasn’t a matter of just Putting It Back, went inside for rope, but found none, and finally grabbed a roll of duct tape, which as we all know, holds the universe together.

Only, not in the rain.

Right about then, my neighbor, who had been snowblowing his drive, came across the lawn from his garage, waving a nautical cinch strap.  Together, we got the mailbox strapped to the post, and he promised to help me achieve a More Regular Solution later in the week.  Good neighbor, yeah.

Yesterday, which dawned sunny and cold, he called to tell me that he was going to take the mailbox down to his workshop, and fix it up, which he proceeded to do, drafting his wife into the project as a stabilizer for the last step.

I went out to thank them, and to see if there was anything I could do, but they had it in hand, and all but done by the time I got there.  I did give them a signed copy of Salvage Right:  “The writer’s equivalent of a batch of cookies,” is what I told them.

“Oh, no!” came the answer with a broad grin. “This is like homemade jam!”

We are, indeed, fortunate in our neighbors.

Now?  I’m going to work, as above.  You’ll see that I’m well-supervised:



Today’s blog title brought to you by Laurie Anderson, “Sharkey’s Day.”  Here’s your link.

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