Writers Drinking Coffee (audio)
Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester (video)
Baen Free Radio Hour (video)
Speculative Fiction Showcase (text)
Paul Semel Interviews Lee and Miller (text)
Under the Radar SFF Podcast (audio)
Author’s Outpost (video)
Portland Press Herald (text)
LegendariumPodcast (video)
Just finished Gunshy and like all of your work and your and Steve’s collaborations in the Liaden universe, it was a joy to read.
Mr Maddox’ comment caused me to determine that yes, I bought an ecopy of Gunshy – file dated Apr 12 2020 which may or may not be when actually purchased from Baen. Well, likely so since the date is the same on my home server. But I digress… So I opened it to Chapter 1 & I see this fragment: “…a citizen of the southwestern desert.” followed shortly by this fragment “…it couldn’t have been written by anyone who had actually experienced winter…” OooooKaaay, I’m now that sort of citizen yet as I previously lived in Utah for 30 years & spent every Saturday & Sunday of ski season skiing at Alta (had to work for a living), I think I know a thing or two about winter including shoveling thigh-deep snow off my driveway sometimes day after day. This by no means is meant to be a rebuke to the author – indeed my having just read Salvage Right (eARC) for the 3rd time since Mar 23 2023 should indicate my appreciation for her/their work. …digress again, dang it, maybe I’m just in a mood. But now I surely will read Gunshy again (smiley face).