Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 129, the Long Edition

Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 129
News from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller’s Liaden Universe® and Beyond!

It’s been a while since the last InfoDump. We hope everyone is safe, well, and happy.

In This Issue:
Fair Trade News
Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 5
The Series Hugo and the Liaden Universe®
Who’s Writing What for When?
Steve’s Boskone 59 Schedule
Watch the skies and then watch us!
Where in the World are Lee and Miller?
The Small Print

FAIR TRADE is the 24th novel set in the Liaden Universe® created and written by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. It is, in addition, the third book in the so-called “Jethri arc.” Previous volumes were: BALANCE OF TRADE and TRADE SECRET.

For those who indulge the eARC is available from Baen Books ONLY. Here’s the link.

For those who are waiting — patiently! — for the hardcover to be published in May, and would like to have a signed hardcover, you may preorder your book from Uncle Hugo ONLY. Here’s the link.
Please Note: Personalizations are not available this year. The Uncle is just getting his new Real World Store set up, and it’s felt that the additional craziness of trying to keep track of personalized books would only be a recipe for error. Thank you for your understanding.

. . .is out in trade paper, and available from your favorite bookstore.
Remember, the Constellations collect stories that have already appeared elsewhere into One! Convenient! Package!

Table of Contents: Authors’ Foreword, Fortune’s Favors, Opportunity to Seize, Shout of Honor, Command Decision, Dark Secrets, A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom, The Gate that Locks the Tree, Preferred Seating, Ambient Conditions, Dead Men Dream

The Series Hugo and the Liaden Universe®
There have been Questions, mostly around the fact that there was no Liaden Universe® novel published in 2021 (ref “fuck cancer”), and therefore how can the series possibly be eligible for the Series Hugo?

We checked with Appropriate Authority, to be certain we weren’t misleading anyone, and here is how the Series Hugo works:

First, in order to nominate works for the Hugo Ballot, you must have been a member of ChiCon8, the 80th World Science Fiction Convention, on or before January 31, 2022 OR you must have been a member of DisCon III, the 79th WorldCon.

Second, if you meet the above stipulation, you have until March 15 to nominate. Only members of ChiCon8 may vote on the final ballot.

Third, specific to the Series Hugo: The Liaden Universe® is already established as eligible for this award. That is, there are already (many more than) 240,000 published words of Liaden Universe® out there in the literary world.

Since we have crossed the eligibility threshold of 240,000 published words in-series, there only needs to be one installment of any length in-series for the Nominating Year — which is 2021.

There were four installments of the Liaden Universe® published in 2021. I will list them at the end of this posting. This is important because, when you enter a series into the nomination form, it asks you for a “2021 Example from Series.” This is where you enter your choice of the four shorter Liaden works that were published in 2021. Those works are:

“Standing Orders,” Derelict, Zombies Need Brains, July 2021 (5,775 words)

“From Every Storm a Rainbow,” (link to free story) December 2021 (7,957 words)

“Our Lady of Benevolence,” Bread Alone: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34, Pinbeam Books, November 2021 (14,500 words)

“Dead Men Dream,” Change State: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 32, Pinbeam Books, March 2021 (19,800 words)

As an aside, all of the works listed above are also eligible for Hugo nominations in their own categories.

Everybody good?


Please do consider nominating the Liaden Universe® as one of your five choices for the Series Hugo. Please mention the Liaden Universe® in whatever Hugo discussions you may be having.

Why is the series worthy of the Series Hugo? Well — it’s a good, solid piece of work, if I do say so. The Liaden Universe® currently includes 23 published novels, and dozens of short stories — closing in on 5 million words. The very first Liaden Universe® novel, Agent of Change, was published in February 1988. The twenty-fourth Liaden Universe® novel, Fair Trade, will be published in May 2022. The series is qualified — perhaps overqualified — for the Series Hugo.

Side reading, for those who are interested:

Wikipedia article here
Locus article here The Little Series that Could
Portland Press Herald article here

Who’s Writing What for When?
Lee and Miller are under contract to Baen Books for three Liaden Universe® novels after FAIR TRADE, which will be published in May. Those novels are:

1 TRADE LANES, the sequel to Fair Trade — Steve Miller, Lead Writer

2 SALVAGE RIGHT — Sharon Lee, Lead Writer

3 A Liaden Novel to be Named Later — Sharon Lee, Lead Writer probably? At the moment, this is looking like a return to the Redlands and checking in with Padi, Tekelia, Aunt Astra, Eet, and the gang. This could change, as all things may change, and only reflect our thoughts at the moment.

For those who have been playing along at home for a long time, the above three novels complete the Triple Threat contract with Baen.

We do not at the moment have any short works under contract, but that, too, could change.

BOSKONE 59 Schedule
Steve Miller will be a virtual panelist at Boskone 59, February 18-20. Boskone is a Hybrid Convention this year.

Steve’s schedule is below. All times are Eastern Standard.

VIRTUAL: Unhappy Endings Format: Panel
18 Feb 2022, Friday 8pm – 8:50pm, Marina IV (Westin)
Jane Yolen, Steve Miller, Julie Czerneda, Paul Di Filippo (M), Ada Palmer

Tragic plays from Shakespeare, Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides are still with us … hundreds, even thousands of years later. Not all stories let the protagonist triumph — sometimes they lose; sometimes they even die losing. Some science fiction and fantasy writers’ unhappily ending stories are quite popular. Why do they succeed? Why do other such stories fail — even fail so hard their authors never try to write unhappily ever after?

VIRTUAL: My Favorite Character
18 Feb 2022, Friday 9pm – 9:50pm, Marina IV (Westin)
Olav Rokne, Jen Gunnels, Steve Miller, David Marshall, James Moore (M)

Google once estimated that humanity had published 129,864,880 books. If about half were SF/F/H trilogies — never mind, let’s ask it this way: from all the speculative fiction stories ever published, who’s your favorite character, and why? Heroine, villain, sidekick, romantic interest, alien bystander? Would you like to meet, have dinner with, or be that person? What does your choice say about your own character?

VIRTUAL: Solo Reading
19 Feb 2022, Saturday 12:30 – 12:55, Marina IV (Westin)
Steve Miller

Watch the skies and then watch us!
Lee and Miller have a Zoom event coming up later this month — chatting with Griffin Barber about Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 5. See or listen to this podcast here.

Where in the World are Lee and Miller?
Lee and Miller are members of ChiCon8. We hope to attend, but we are keeping a weather eye out.

The Small Print
Sites of Interest:
Lee and Miller Patreon Support Page
Pinbeam Books: an online catalog, with vendor links, to all Lee-and-Miller, Miller, and Lee self-published works
Splinter Universe: features outtakes, splinters, oddities from the Lee&Miller writing career, currently changes irregularly.
Welcome to Liad: The official homepage for
Liaden Universe® news

Blogs and Other Webly Things of Note
Sharon Lee’s Blog
Steve Miller’s blog, Journeyman

Facebook Connections
Steve Miller
Sharon Lee
Clan Korval
Friends of Liad
Flaran cha’menthi

Steve’s on Twitter
Sharon’s on Twitter, too

Disclaimer Stuff
This InfoDump is a product of the Liaden Universe®, accept no imitations. You have received this message because you asked for it. If you wish to subscribe to the Liaden Universe® email list, to unsubscribe from the Liaden Universe® email list, or to change your delivery email address, go here.

4 thoughts on “Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 129, the Long Edition”

  1. Out of curiosity, do you get different royalties for eArc, new release, Mass Market PB, ebook, hardback, etc?

  2. Hello Sharon,
    My husband and I are longtime fans and I’d like to sign up for the Liaden Universe email list. When I click the link above, it just says, “You don’t have permission to access this resource, Apache Fireopal, so there.”

    I picked up Agent of Change when it first came out and didn’t find out there were others until over 20 years later. Finding the rest of the Liaden Universe all at once was untold wealth, helping me through recovery from a bunch of surgeries and the death of my sister.

    Thank you.

  3. There are percentages of cover price for each edition. When the contract is signed, we get half the agreed-upon advance against earnings on-signing, and the other half when the publisher accepts the final submitted manuscript. In writer-speak, those payments are “advance” and “D&A”.

  4. Hi there.

    The Liaden mailing list is moribund, I fear. Most people have migrated over to the Facebook groups. The news list — where the InfoDumps come from — is still active, though we publish newsletters very infrequently. You ought to be able to sign in from the webpage, but if it’s being attitudinal, email me your preferred receiving address and I’ll see if I can add you.

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