Stitching Time

Some folks have asked about my embroidery projects, so here’s a quick tour.  Remember that all of these projects are kits, and they are considered beginner work, samplers, what-have-you.  No, I don’t mind being a beginner, or an amateur or whatever that one young person over there was getting at.  It’s relaxing to do something that’s relatively undemanding.  I, mean, I write novels; I already have enough difficult and mentally demanding projects lined up.  Embroidery is a complete change of pace, like, oh, coloring, or putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

So, for those interested, here are the projects I’ve completed so far.  The cross-stitched napkins were the sole leftovers of my former stash.  One had already been completed when I took up my needle again; I finished the other kind of to prove to myself that I could actually hold a needle and manipulate thread.

The piece to the far left is the first new work I completed, a simple sampler, to relearn, and in a couple cases, to learn, stitches.

The astronomical is a novice-level piece.  It came with directions, and possibly with floss, but I varied from the suggested colors here and there, because I Am A Rebel.

The work in the hoop is the project I’m currently working on — another stitch-learning sampler.

The next photo features work in queue.  They’re still simple/beginning/amateur kits.  Eventually, I want to design and stitch two particular pieces, but I expect that’s down the line a bit, and in the meantime, I’m enjoying myself.

The next photo is of Trooper, who got bored with me taking pictures of pieces of cloth, and stumped out of the living room into the jetpac in my office.

Oh.  I should add that I got my kits from Etsy — littledear and wildflowerfox; and from Snuggly Monkey

And that’s the news from the hobby side of things here at the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory.

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