25th Anniversary of Two Tales of Korval

Well! File770 reports on a celebratory event that I’d missed — the 25th anniversary of the first, limited edition publication of TWO TALES OF KORVAL, later to be dignified as ADVENTURES IN THE LIADEN UNIVERSE® NUMBER ONE, shown in the report with the Jean Ann Pollard cover.
Included in TWO TALES were two stories (duh) — “To Cut an Edge,” and “A Day at the Races” — which had been accepted for publication several times by magazines that then died. For the sake of the field, we decided to publish the stories ourselves, as SRM PUBLISHER LTD.
Produced during the Long Silence between the 1989 publication of CARPE DIEM, the third Liaden novel, and the 1999 publication of PLAN B, the fourth Liaden novel, TWO TALES has gone on to sell thousands (and thousands) of copies, worldwide, and is available as an ebook from all of your favorite vendors.
Thank you, Mike Glyer, and your staff! A pleasant anniversary, indeed! And thank you, Kathryn Sullivan, for pointing the piece out to us!
Here’s a link to the pixel scroll at File 770.
In other news, Winter has arrived and in celebration of that, the power went out for a few hours last evening, coming back on just as the house was becoming uncomfortably chill.
For a brief few hours yesterday, Trader’s Leap was Amazon’s #1 Bestseller in Space Opera — thank you all for making that happen!
If you’ve read Trader’s Leap, do please consider leaving a review at the venue of your choice.  Reader reviews really do help.
Also!  If you’ve read Trader’s Leap and Want To Talk About It without spoiling it for those of us who read more slowly, or are saving the book as a reward, or a long day off — there is a spoiler discussion at this link.  This is a moderated area, so be aware that your comment will not appear immediately, though most do within 24 hours.
If you have suddenly! realized! that you must have a signed copy of Trader’s Leap, you may order from Uncle Hugo’s or Mysterious Galaxy.
I think this brings us up to date.  Everybody stay safe and warm.

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