Today, as I am reminded by Lawrence M. Schoen, is Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Day. I am responsible for this day* — which is, coincidentally, the day that Cyrano de Bergerac made his first flight to the moon.
The Suggested Celebration of the Day was that people would publicly recall the authors whose work had made a difference to them, and perhaps to write a thank-you note to that author. Here’s the original post.
Gizmodo did an article about this, back in 2009. Most of the links are broken, since I no longer have a Live Journal account, and this whole scheme was thrown together there. Still, worth reading, at this link.
As the day is worth celebrating!
Share news of the holiday with your friends, and!
By all means, celebrate to the fullest.
*The June 23 iteration, anyhow, since I believe there is now Another SF Writers Day created by Someone Else.
Thank you for many wonderful hours of reading and re-reading, Sharon! The Liaden and Carousel stories are old and dear friends.