Whole New World Part Three

So, it’s been a couple days since I’ve updated, but don’t worry — you haven’t missed anything except me sitting over there in the Command Chair, mostly sleeping between exercises, and doing Small Science with the drain, which I will be Very Happy to See the Back Of, just sayin’.

To give you some range on exactly how much I’ve been sleeping — I took Emma Bull’s The War for the Oaks to the hospital with me and also Patricia Briggs’ Moon Called, and was concerned that I might not have enough to read for an overnight stay at the hospital.  For those following along at home, I chose these two titles precisely because they are frequent re-reads, so I wouldn’t lose the train of the story, if — if!! — I fell asleep in the middle of reading.

So!  I have not yet finished (re-re-re-re-&c)reading The War for the Oaks.  Maybe today.

I can say that things (Things) are progressing.  Last night is the first time since coming home from the hospital, and despite all the sleeping I’ve been doing, that I felt like I got real sleep, as opposed to induced rest.  So we can hope that the last of the anesthesia has evaporated.

This morning, I made my own breakfast!  Scrambled eggs and toast, yeah, but I did it myself, though Steve does have to fetch bowls and mugs and various things down from the higher shelves for me.

If I have my way, I will make lunch today — something lentil stewish, depending on what we have in the freezer and pantry.

Plenty of rest, three-times a day exercises, and drain maintenance are still the backbone of the day’s agenda.  Steve is doing all the heavy lifting until I’m cleared, which I’m hoping will be Tuesday, during my first follow-up, but which will, in sober reality, probably be withheld until my second follow-up, the week after.

Still no word on the lymph node survey, which — let’s just say that I’d really like to have that nailed down, too.

Fans of the cats will be pleased to know that they are doing their usual exemplary job of nursing, while also keeping tabs on Steve.

And, there!  That catches us all up.

Everybody stay healthy.

2 thoughts on “Whole New World Part Three”

  1. Drains are useful needed things but also a tremendous pain in the ass. I’m glad you are healing and resting. The cats and Steve are taking good care of you. Re sentinel nodes, bad news is fast and good news is slow. I so hope your sentinel nodes are clear. Sending healing and best wishes thoughts and vibes.

  2. So good to hear from you! Glad to hear you have such exemplary after-care. Still praying the slow news is definitely good!

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