Sunny Monday

It was bright and sunny and warm today, so I went for a ride, while Steve stayed home and coped with the deck designer and also Jethri.

Returned home half an hour ago, as the clouds are moving in, so, yanno — perfect timing.

I drove myself to Searsport, to to the boat landing, where poor old OBSESSION out of Biddeford, Maine is mired in a snow drift in the middle of the parking lot. Drove out the road, across the Big Bridge, aka the Penobscot Narrows Bridge, to Verona Island, and Bucksport. Decided I wanted to get a look at downtown Bucksport, and wound up thereby going to Orrington, because, once you’re past downtown, into the oil terminals, and beyond, there is no place to turn around on 15N until you get to Orrington, so I turned around at the corner of Route 15 and Arctic Station Road.

Went back to Bucksport, across the Big Bridge, through Searsport, across the Veterans Memorial Bridge, and into downtown Belfast, where I parked in the muncipal lot in the center of the main drag. Walked down to the boat landing and surveyed the ocean situation — bright, glittering blue, temps right around 48/50F (9/10C), with a breeze that made it seem chillier than that.

After I had done a proper survey, I walked up the hill in search of lunch, which I found at the Belfast Coop — a nice bowl of dahl, after a brief tussle with the volunteer on the counter who was too tired to cope with somebody who didn’t already know how it all worked. I had to resort to, “I apologize for not being from around here” in order to get a cup to put my water in. But the dahl was good, and there was excellent people-watching.

After lunch, I walked back down the hill — it is, may I just say here, a considerable hill — visiting this and that store, such as were open on a Monday in February — came back around to the municipal lot, picked up the car and drove came home.

An excellent day, all things balanced. And now I’m pleased to be home.


2 thoughts on “Sunny Monday”

  1. I’m happy to hear that your foot is up to quite a bit of driving and walking again!
    Having your independent mobility back is such a freeing feeling, isn’t it?
    I hope it didn’t ache too bad the next day.

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