Shameless Self-Promotion

All righty, then.

You all of course know that the eArc of Liaden Universe® Constellation Number 4 is now available directly from Baen books, here.  This Constellation includes previously published short works Street Cred, Due Diligence, Friend of a Friend, Cutting Corners, Block Party, Degrees of Separation, Excerpts from Two Lives, and Revolutionists — together again for the first time!  The tradepaper and ebook editions of Constellation 4 will ship on — appropriately enough — June 4.

Also!  On March 26 — Good Ghod, that’s this coming Tuesday! — the mass market edition of Neogenesis, the twenty-first novel of the Liaden Universe® created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, will hit the shelves at your favorite bookstore.    Neogenesis is the direct sequel to The Gathering Edge and! the immediate prequel to Accepting the Lance.

NOTE:  Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore in Minneapolis will be taking pre-orders for signed copies of Constellation 4 and Accepting the Lance.  Pre-orders for …Lance will open after Labor Day.  We do not have a firm date for the opening of pre-orders for Constellation 4, but realsoonnow is a good guess, so keep an eye on the catalog, here.

The other things you need to know, in re Liaden publications are!

*”Dark Secrets,” a brand-new Liaden short story, will be published in the anthology Infinite Stars: Dark Frontiers in September.

*Anniversary edition of the second Liaden Universe® novel, Conflict of Honors, will be published in November as a mass market paperback.

*A short story in support of Accepting the Lance will be published to in November

*Accepting the Lance will be published in hardcover and ebook editions on December 3*

We also have five novels still under contract.  One of those novels is the book due in September, detailing the Further Adventures of the Dutiful Passage, which are happening concurrently with the action in Accepting the Lance**; another is the third Jethri Gobelyn novel, direct sequel to Trade Secret.  No, we have no idea what-or-who the other three novels will be about.  They will be Liaden Universe® novels, because the contract says so.

Here ends Shameless Self-Promotion.

*Do not, for the love of ghu, ask me ANYthing about an eArc.

**So concurrently, in fact, that we tried to write both books at the same time.  Which worked about as well as you might imagine.

3 thoughts on “Shameless Self-Promotion”

  1. Of that list, one: Accepting the Lance. The Constellations have traditionally been trade paperbacks, and the reprints are naturally mass market. I don’t what the heck Orbit’s doing with its anthology. Possibly it will be hardcover, because they position it as a teaching resource.

  2. “Shameless”…ok, no shame I say, in revealing information that we aficionados want. & yes, I know eARCs are above your pay grade – I asked that question awhile back & I remember your answer. & no, Baen doesn’t give a hoot if we wanna know about eARCs ahead of time – those torturers!

    Best wishes for the words to flow without distraction.

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