Health Stuff and Taking the Long Way Home

So, yesterday, we needed to take Steve to Bangor for his post-op/post-generator-change inspection.

Both inspection teams pronounce him to be healing well.  There is still a restriction on how much he can lift with his left arm, and how many Maine Coon cats are allowed to sleep on his chest (i.e. none) for another few weeks yet.

Since we’d arrived early, the appointment was finished much earlier than we had anticipated, so we came home the long way, through Winterport, and Searsport.  We stopped twice in Belfast, once at the public boat landing to view the bay, and again at the Dairy Queen to take on milkshakes before driving on to Augusta.

We made another stop at Best Buy in Augusta, to pick up various tech toys, including a Bluetooth mouse for me to have ready when Moose comes home from the tech hospital.

After shopping, we crossed the river again, picked up a quart of popcorn chicken and some fried veggies at The Red Barn, brought it home, and feasted.  The veggie leftovers are destined for inclusion in today’s luncheon omelette, and maybe some chicken, too.  We’ll be having leftover chicken later in the weekend, too*.

Back home, we both fooled around with little tasks, read a couple chapters of Brat Farrar to each other, and so to bed.

Today, it is raining, and warm.  The weatherbeans are calling for continued warm, so we have brought the heat pumps online, to see how that goes.  Having a new house to experiment with is fun.

Today is also a writing day.  With luck and no phone calls, I may be able to get a finished draft of the story I’ve been working on done.  That would be. . .nice.  Especially as I have half-a-book sitting here that needs to be looked at, and made into a whole-book.

No, the thrills never do stop.

Hope y’all are having a pleasant Friday.

*Since there are apparently Diet Police out there, let me be proactive and say that Steve’s heart issue does not stem from clogged arteries and eating Bad Foodstuffs.  He has a condition called “cardiomyopathy,” which, in short form, means that his heart muscle is weak and occasionally needs an assist, which is what the implanted I(mplantable) C(ardioverter) D(efibrillator) is for.  And, yes, we do exercise, and generally eat healthy, so Diet Police may turn their concern elsewhere, thank you.


4 thoughts on “Health Stuff and Taking the Long Way Home”

  1. It’s good to hear that Steve is doing well.
    I hope you both enjoyed your rare day off writing (sounds like it ?), and can look at both stories with a fresh pair of eyes.

    I’m glad you are both well enough and on-schedule enough that you can give us these occasional updates again, I missed your posts during your hiatus.

  2. Well, it’s only really an issue at night. Both Trooper and Belle like to sleep ON people. Belle can sometimes be persuaded to sleep propped against a hip, or across the stomach, but Trooper needs to come right up under the chin put his front legs around the neck, and — knead. This is kind of disconcerting at the best of times, but, right now, it’s Strictly Not Allowed. So, Steve’s been sleeping on his side. Or, if he really has to sleep on his back, he props up on pillows, so coon cats cannot comfortably situated themselves over the incision.

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