I must go down to the sea again…

. . .or at least to Belfast Bay.  Can’t really afford the day off right now, to go down to Old Orchard Beach.

But, we did go down to Belfast, after. . .Steve’s dental appointment, and breakfast at Governor’s.  The really nice thing about getting up Stupidly Early in the day is that you can get lots done before noon.  If, yanno, getting lots done includes driving down to Belfast Bay.

The day was warm and sunny, by which I mean 40F/4C, and it was so very, very good to get out of the house.  The tide was out at Belfast, but we walked around the park and the boat landing for a bit, looking out at the grey water, the seagulls, the ducks and the cormorants.  We did duly note that we are not to exceed 10 knots in passing a Right Whale, which species visits our waters all year round (who knew?).

Then we drove home through Brooks and all over that way, and it’s hardly past noon.  Plenty of time to get some work done.  Plus, we were out in the heat of the day; temps are supposed to start dropping, oh, about now, and hit a low of 9F/-13C tonight.

Tomorrow’s supposed to be somewhat cooler, and Wednesday, of course, we’re expecting significant snowfall.

Yes, welcome to Maine.

So, today, Steve reads Fifth of Five while I do laundry and, oh, why not? Some tax paperwork, which, much like writing a novel, isn’t gonna fill out itself.

For those who wonder what sort of Wild Goings Ons are perpetuated by coon cats in our absence, I offer this photograph of our hall, when we came back home this afternoon.

8 thoughts on “I must go down to the sea again…”

  1. Oooh, Belfast! It’s only February and I am already looking forward to our October visit up there.

    Do you and Steve ever get lunch at Young’s? Just over the bridge to the Searsport side?

  2. Belfast is so close to us, we rarely lunch there –once or twice at Delvino’s — which I need to look up, because it looked like it was closed when we went past today — a couple times at the Natural Market. Not placing Young’s at all, though we do cross the bridge. . .

  3. Young’s Lobster Pound – a working lobster pier that also serves meals, it’s about as fresh off the boat as you can get. Has some inside picnic tables upstairs of the working area; don’t know how warm it is in February, though.

    We’ve learned the trick of *not* ordering the complete lobster dinners from the menu at the first counter – that’s for the tourists and is expensive. We go just to the left of that and order from the by-the-pound menu (I tend to pick two of the small one-claw guys, so I get extra tail meat) and pay the fifty-cent fees for boiling and a plate and butter. I don’t need a pretty plate with coleslaw and a bag of chips for twice the price! We bring our own salad and chips and beer/wine/etc when we come in the fall, as quite a lot of locals do.

    Youngs also has superb fish chowder – tied for the best I have ever eaten – and they will sell it to you cold so you can take it home and reheat it. You can also buy live lobsters, clams, etc to take home and cook, if you’re up for that. We easily reheat chowder in the rental cabin – can be done in the microwave or stovetop – but boiling lobsters is a bit much for that kitchen.

    Their web site is over here: http://youngslobsterpound.webs.com/

  4. Ooo, you got Vitamin Sea! And temp.s above freezing!!

    I hope this doesn’t screw up your nap/sleep schedule and that Steve recovers smoothly.

  5. We have run away to the sea (Malta) to hide from the British winter. Spent today – the 51st anniversary of my birth – walking on the beach, smelling the sea air, and partaking of hot chocolate so thick I needed a spoon to eat it. Life is so much easier to bear when you can see the sea.

  6. Your Wednesday storm hit us today. Lots of big fluffy flakes and plenty of whiteouts. Highway was closed some of the morning but oh we need the moisture!

  7. Ah, kitties! Without their humans to entertain them, and serve their whims they can find all sorts of entertainment around the house.

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