Preorder Links and? We have Weather

So, after an email exchange a couple nights ago, the Nook Team magically invested me with the ability to publish books for pre-order, with the result that you — yes, you! — can now preorder the electronic edition of Degrees of Separation: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 27 from BN/Nook Books ,  from Amazon/Kindle, from Kobo, and (this is according to rumor, only) at Apple.

I made an attempt to get Amazon to help me put the paper book on pre-order, but! It turns out that it never occurred to them that someone might want to do Such An Outrageous Thing, so!  The idea is being remanded to the Team, and no paper pre-orders for this title.  I’ll do my best to make sure that it is available for sale on January 15.  Baen ebooks will have the book for sale in electronic edition on January 15, as well.

Speaking of links and Amazon. . .Several people have written, and posted here and there on-line that there Is! No! Kindle! Edition of Neogenesis available — they are variously made sad, bewildered, and angry by this, which is kind of a shame, because!

There is a Kindle edition of  Neogenesis Here’s your link. You will note that, while this page lists both the ebook and the Audible editions of the book there is no hardcover listed — but fear not!  This does not mean that there was no hardcover published, it only means that the hardcover sits in lonely splendor on its own catalog page. I hope this makes everybody happy — and, no, I don’t know why Amazon has not been able to merge both catalog pages.  ‘WAY above my pay scale.

Here at the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory, we are experiencing Weather,  In particular, a blizzard (or, if you prefer a bombogenesis, aka a “snow hurricane”), which is expected to dump 11 to 14 inches of snow before it decamps, early tomorrow morning.

Related to this, yesterday, I acquired back spasms as one does, especially if one had the experience of going head-first through the windshield of an automobile at the tender age of 23.  Yesterday was fairly well a waste; while I waited for it to be time to see the doctor at 4:45 pm.  Received blessed muscle relaxants and have been Taking Them As Directed since last evening.  Back still hurts, but has eased back to a 5 on the 1-10 pain scale.  For comparison, yesterday was a 12.

The plowguy — all hail the plowguy! — will be clearing our steps and porch and the so-called “front” steps, too, in addition to plowing the driveway, so that, at least, is taken care of.

I think this more or less catches us up, and it occurs to me that it might be prudent to go seek my heating pad again, though standing at my desk is a remarkably pain-free posture.

Everybody, stay happy.

7 thoughts on “Preorder Links and? We have Weather”

  1. I’m sorry that you are in pain. Hope this passes soon, but please keep taking care of yourself.

    You and Steve have given me so much reading pleasure, which has often helped when I was feeling bad, that I wish I could return the favor.

  2. Pre-ordered Kindle version on Amazon, easy-peasy.

    Wonderful that the standing desk is helping right now. My theory is that just thinking of cold weather makes my back tense up. Have been using a hot water bottle lately even though we live in a tropical climate. Hope the snow hurricane is a bomb.

  3. Glad to hear you’ve made arrangements with you snow plow guy to clear your steps & porch; no way you could do that tomorrow it sounds like. We dodged the bullet on this storm here in northern MD; there is snow on the deck and the driveway but there’s less than an inch. Still going to be cold until Monday – low tonight is predicted to be 7 degrees F. We’re wimps down here and consider that too cold to do anything but hunker down in the house.

  4. I have found that quinine tonic water can help cramps, and it sometimes seems that taking calcium pills regularly reduces the frequency. (But check with your doctor, obviously!)

  5. Amazon seems to have solved the muddled pages of Neogenesis. On my Kindle tablet tonight, everything was tucked in one place. A new book from y’all is always a bright point in my life. If you two have written anything I do not have, it is because I am not aware of it!
    Stay well, stay safe and please keep writing!
    We had the edge of the bombing storm come through Florida with snow and ice in northern areas and ridiculous temperatures all over. My niece in Michigan just laughs at us.
    Best wishes and _many_ thanks!

  6. #27 is pre-ordered!

    While waiting, I’ve read Block Party – I like it! We need more healers in our world, just wish we could ‘port’ them over to us…

    And Neogenesis is waiting for me, something of a birthday-present-to-self.

    I send wishes for healing of your back, and the combination of meds and other healing modes that works best for you. Be well.

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