Unrestful sleep full of the horrors of free hotel breakfasts (is it me or is there less and less food at free hotel breakfasts? Some of them have a big crockpot of oatmeal, and that’s fine; I can get by on a bowl of oatmeal. But others. . .Gah. Picky eater is picky.), interleaved with a roll call of absent friends. Not sure who elected these the topics of the evening, but the result is a head full of sticky thoughts this morning.
Well. There’s more coffee where this cup came from.
So, today’s to-do list:
Drink more coffee Edit last night’s pages- Edit Due Diligence
- Write teaser copy for Due Diligence
- Write more words for Fifth of Five
- Consider questions to put to the panelists of Writing the Series (How do you plan out a multi-books series? Well, there’s one question right there — free from Programming.).
Print out Characterization Rantand practice on Belle (don’t laugh; Belle’s a tough audience. For one thing, she doesn’t care about writing or characters.). Belle’s busy right now; she’ll get back to me when her schedule’s clear.Enpurple hairMeditate
. . .that’s enough.
Today’s blog post brought to you by War, “Low Rider.” Here’s your link.
Oh. Yesterday, I did build a cover for Due Diligence. Have a look:
“That’s an extra-size lot of respectability you’re wanting,” he pointed out. “I did say we’re a House full of scoundrels.”
“You did. But I’ve no objection to scoundrels, being one myself.”