Low rider don’t use no gas, now Low rider don’t drive too fast

Unrestful sleep full of the horrors of free hotel breakfasts (is it me or is there less and less food at free hotel breakfasts?  Some of them have a big crockpot of oatmeal, and that’s fine; I can get by on a bowl of oatmeal.  But others. . .Gah.  Picky eater is picky.), interleaved with a roll call of absent friends.  Not sure who elected these the topics of the evening, but the result is a head full of sticky thoughts this morning.

Well.  There’s more coffee where this cup came from.

So, today’s to-do list:

  1.  Drink more coffee
  2. Edit last night’s pages
  3. Edit Due Diligence
  4. Write teaser copy for Due Diligence
  5. Write more words for Fifth of Five
  6. Consider questions to put to the panelists of Writing the Series (How do you plan out a multi-books series?  Well, there’s one question right there — free from Programming.).
  7. Print out Characterization Rant and practice on Belle (don’t laugh; Belle’s a tough audience.  For one thing, she doesn’t care about writing or characters.).  Belle’s busy right now; she’ll get back to me when her schedule’s clear.
  8. Enpurple hair
  9. Meditate

. . .that’s enough.

Today’s blog post brought to you by War, “Low Rider.”  Here’s your link.

Oh.  Yesterday, I did build a cover for Due Diligence.  Have a look:

“That’s an extra-size lot of respectability you’re wanting,” he pointed out.  “I did say we’re a House full of scoundrels.”

“You did.  But I’ve no objection to scoundrels, being one myself.”

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