And I think to myself, What a wonderful world

Thanks to everyone answering the roll call.  As I said in the original post, I am keeping the responses private.  That means they won’t show up on the blog page.

Many people have taken the time to write me a note, or ask a question.  Below are answers to those questions, in no particular order.

*Yep, still have the stone turtle; he hasn’t gotten any bigger, though.

*The book format that earns us the most is a moving target.  By contract, we are paid royalties at a rate of 50% of cover, for ebooks; 25% of cover for hardcovers; 8% (I think — too lazy to get up and open the file cabinet) for mass markets to a Certain Point, when it goes up to 10%, and, at another Certain Point, rises to 12%, where it remains Forever; and I forget for trade editions.

*No, I don’t necessarily demand an answer every time “you” click onto the blog.  In fact, I don’t demand any answers, really.  Except for certain Special Projects, of which this Roll Call is one.

*Yay!  The extra foreign language editions have found a good home in a school.

* No, I am not going to be shutting the blog down anytime in the near future.

*I’m not really sure that Theo would enjoy lace on her sleeves.  She doesn’t strike me as a lacy-sleeve kind of girl.

*I doubt that Maine Life will commission Jen to do a piece about Archers Beach, as the author has Her Reasons for keeping those two Maines separate.

*No, I haven’t seen the video of the Buggati changing colors.  I’ll look for it; sounds cool.

*Haven’t given any thought at all to the “next set of five.”  We still have two books left on this set of five, and then two books on the next contract.  We’ll see where we are when those obligations are met.


In other news, “Wise Child,” a Liaden Universe® novelette is, I believe, scheduled to appear on this week.  Possibly on Wednesday.  So, yanno. Watch the Skies.

With the end of today’s work session, Book the Next has broken 40,000 words, which is pleasant to contemplate, at least for a couple minutes.

Tomorrow is primary elections, here in the State of Maine.  Why, yes, we did long ago caucus for the presidential candidate; our primaries apparently address in-state housekeeping.  Or do I mean house-cleaning?

Also, I am surrounded by coon cats.  Who are asleep.  I’ll foil their nefarious scheme by removing to the kitchen for the evening meal.

Progress on Book the Next
40,004/100,000 OR 40% complete

“Will you stare all day, sir?”
“May I?” he returned, opening his eyes wide.

Today’s blog post is brought to you by Louis Armstrong, “What a wonderful world.”  Here’s your link.

No pictures pls ONE June 11 2016

11 thoughts on “And I think to myself, What a wonderful world”

  1. Checking in. My cat is not approving of typing just now so my response will be short.

  2. It would certainly be interesting to get an idea of the number of people who put fingers to keyboard (or whatever the computer version of “pen to paper” is).

  3. I have a Liaden novelette to look forward to this week? What a delightful thing to wake up to.

  4. Pearlescent paint changes colour depending on the direction you look at it from. So it changes colour as you go past it (or more likely as it goes past you as it usually seems to be on high powered sports cars). Startled me the first time I saw it.

  5. I just LURVE Mr. Armstrong’s rendition of this classic! Raw, folksy and unpolished it reminds me of the difference between Dolly Parton’s I WILL ALEAYS LOVE YOU and the more polished and vocally accomplished version done by Whitney Houston. Night and day stuff, you know?

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