Y’know? They’re growing mechanical trees. They grow to their full height; then they chop themselves down

So lately, most of the energy around the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory has been focused on The Gathering Edge, and I would just like to say that, by my stars and garters, I am never, ever again participating in a Theo book!

<deep breath>

I feel so much better.

Even if it is an empty threat.  Sigh.  Theo is, I fear, going to have to be in the next book.  But!  The next book is not going to be a Theo book.

*glares at Theo*

*Theo glares back*

Yeah, well. . .

In other news, and in addition to the deadline we’re racing — there is a deadline approaching for you!  Yes, you, too, over there in the corner.

What deadline you ask?  Why, the deadline to pre-order a personalized hardcover copy of Alliance of Equals from Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore in Minneapolis.  If you want a signed-and-personalized book, you have until June 1 to preorder.

Here’s your link.

This will be the last reminder you’ll get from me on this topic, because — BaltiCon.

Yes, we will be at BaltiCon.  Will you?  Here’s the link.

This morning, I took a break from glaring at Theo to go into town and have my hair cut, mail a package at the post office, get rid of some old meds at the police station, and to take on groceries.  Because I had cleverly (sigh) made the appointment for my haircut for nine o’clock a.m., I ate breakfast in town, after, at Toast Xpress.  If you’re ever in the area, I recommend the blueberry crepes, though there many, many delicious things to choose from.

I came home to find that my new corset had arrived.  I asked Belle if she’d model it for y’all, but she’s busy, so you’ll just have to wait ’til BaltiCon to see it.

And that?  Is all I’ve got.  It bodes well to be a Crazy Few Days here on the Confusion Factory side of things, so I’ll just wish everybody a pleasant weekend.

Today’s blog title comes to you courtesy of Laurie Anderson, “Sharkey’s Day.”  Here’s your link.

Scrabble May 13 2016

7 thoughts on “Y’know? They’re growing mechanical trees. They grow to their full height; then they chop themselves down”

  1. But!.. But!… But we luvs us some Theo! Surely the two of you can mend your differences…for the kids! Think of the kids at HOME!
    Hoping you have a fabulous time at BaltiCon. We had planned to go but…life and stuff. DO Post pictures of the new corset please!

  2. Maybe she will be easier to deal with as she grows up. (chuckling here). Meanwhile, love the cat pic. Scrabble? She is beautiful.

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