Lee & Miller BaltiCon Schedule

Scheduling seems to be a little fluid yet, so I’m posting what we know, as of now.

BaltiCon 50 is being held at the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel, 202 East Pratt Street, in my old hometown of Baltimore, Maryland.  Here’s your link for more information.

So, the Lee-and-Miller general con schedule, as it is currently configured.*

7-9 pm Opening Ceremonies, Renaissance Ballroom
9-10:30 Friday Face Time, Renaissance Ballroom

Time and place TBD: Friends of Liad Breakfast**
2-3:45  Baen Traveling Roadshow Salon B


9-9:50 Do We Need Old Age Homes for SF Practitioners?  Kent
Steve Miller (M), Todd Brugmans, Robert Chase, Mur Lafferty, Gay Haldeman

10-11:50 Story and Song  Kent
Many works of science fiction and fantasy have inspired songs both serious and funny. In this session, we highlight a few of these songs and works. Each song will be preceded by a short reading from the work that inspired it.  Lee & Miller will be reading a selection from Agent of Change, followed by a performance of Lee Gold’s “Agent of Change.”

11-11:50 A Ride on the Carousel***
Sharon Lee talks about the merry-go-round that is the writing life. After, perhaps we can convince her to give us a reading from her Carousel fantasy series.

4-4:45 Scout’s Eye View of the Liaden Universe®  Parlor 11029
Sharon and Steve offer a tour of the Liaden Universe, as only those who spend much of their life there can give us!

8-8:25 Steve Miller reading  Pride
9:30-9:55  Sharon Lee reading Pride

This is what we know as of This Minute, which is 2:45 pm on Tuesday May 24.  Check the program schedule when you get to the con for up-to-the-date info.  That’s what we’ll be doing.

*If neither name is listed, both of us will be at the event

**If somebody local would like to help us find a venue for the FoL Breakfast, please drop me a note at rolanniATgmailDOTcom.  Thanks!

***Yes, I’m aware that the Story and Song session is scheduled for 110 minutes, from 10-11:50, in Kent, and that the Carousel panel is scheduled from 11-11:50, in Kent, but that’s the information I have in hand.  Doubtless, my talk will be relocated.  It’s much easier to relocate one writer and a couple books than it is to evacuate a whole room full of filkers, their instruments, and their audience.  Check the program schedule when you get to the con.

Almost asleep Sprite and Belle May 23 2016

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