Thursday Cat Spam

I haven’t Utterly Spammed the intertubes with cat pics for a while.  Let’s make up that deficit, now.

For those fans of Belle, who have been wondering how she’s integrating into the household — I can report that, aside a certain tendency to swat Scrabble collegially in the butt, which Scrabble (amazingly) seems to accept in the spirit it is offered — that Belle is the Soul of Peace.  One receives the impression that not having five kittens hanging off ears, toes, and tail is a Tremendous Relief.  She does not sleep with Scrabble — which honors Scrabble’s preference in these matters — but she is perfectly at home snoozing with the Rest of the Coons, with us, or, with the cat toys.

Here, a photo of Belle and Sprite, hanging together:

Belle and Sprite
Belle and Sprite

Here’s a picture of Sprite and her dad, sharing a sun spot.  It’s nice to see that their Special Relationship continues, apart from the relationship each is building with Belle.

Sprite and Trooper
Sprite and Trooper

Trooper was so obviously mugging for the camera, I took a closeup:

Trooper, up close and personal
Trooper, up close and personal

Belle is enjoying being able to play with the various cat toys.  She, as all the cats, adore the Long Hunt down the hallway.  Especially at 3 a.m.

Belle stalking a spring
Belle stalking a spring

And, finally, this is what I found when I went back, after breakfast, to make the bed:

Three unmade beds
Three unmade beds

There are no pictures of Scrabble this morning, because Scrabble has requested Privacy.

. . .and so, to work.

One thought on “Thursday Cat Spam”

  1. Trooper looks the the old Uncle Sam Wants You posters from WW2 in his close up. Gave me a chuckle…

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