I haven’t Utterly Spammed the intertubes with cat pics for a while. Let’s make up that deficit, now.
For those fans of Belle, who have been wondering how she’s integrating into the household — I can report that, aside a certain tendency to swat Scrabble collegially in the butt, which Scrabble (amazingly) seems to accept in the spirit it is offered — that Belle is the Soul of Peace. One receives the impression that not having five kittens hanging off ears, toes, and tail is a Tremendous Relief. She does not sleep with Scrabble — which honors Scrabble’s preference in these matters — but she is perfectly at home snoozing with the Rest of the Coons, with us, or, with the cat toys.
Here, a photo of Belle and Sprite, hanging together:

Here’s a picture of Sprite and her dad, sharing a sun spot. It’s nice to see that their Special Relationship continues, apart from the relationship each is building with Belle.

Trooper was so obviously mugging for the camera, I took a closeup:

Belle is enjoying being able to play with the various cat toys. She, as all the cats, adore the Long Hunt down the hallway. Especially at 3 a.m.

And, finally, this is what I found when I went back, after breakfast, to make the bed:

There are no pictures of Scrabble this morning, because Scrabble has requested Privacy.
. . .and so, to work.
Trooper looks the the old Uncle Sam Wants You posters from WW2 in his close up. Gave me a chuckle…