Books read in 2015

16.  The Martian, Andy Weir
15.  Blaze of Memory, Nalini Singh
14. Tracker, C.J. Cherryh (read out loud with Steve)
13.  Chanur’s Legacy, C.J. Cherryh (re-read, read out loud with Steve)
12.  Chanur’s Homecoming, C.J. Cherryh  (re-read, read out loud with Steve)
11.  The Kif Strike Back, C.J. Cherryh (re-read, read out loud with Steve)
10.  Why Kings Confess, C.S. Harris
9.  Chanur’s Venture, C.J. Cherryh (re-read, read out loud with Steve) (Note:  the publisher’s note at the end of the book states that the next-in-series is Chanur’s Revenge. This is false. The next-in-series is The Kif Strike Back.)
8.  Angels’ Blood, Nalini Singh (read out loud with Steve)
7.  The Pride of Chanur, C.J. Cherryh (re-read, read out loud with Steve)
6.  What Darkness Brings, C.S. Harris
5. When Maidens Mourn, C.S. Harris
4.  Where Shadows Dance, C.S. Harris
3.  What Remains of Heaven, C.S. Harris
2.  Where Serpents Sleep, C.S. Harris
1.  When Gods Die, C.S. Harris

5 thoughts on “Books read in 2015”

  1. I had never heard of The Martian, until last night when I read xkcd’s cartoon about it, and then saw your post mentioning it. Did it stay…too slow?

  2. I’ve been happier with other books. I am, for instance, and so far, very pleased with The Perfect Rake, which I started last night, despite the fact that the premise is tissue-thin, and certain things are said to have happened which clearly could not have happened, had Grandfather been quite as dreadful as he is presented. But, ohmighodinheaven — characters! I am so very, very happy to be reading about people, rather than Bundles of Traits and Wisecracks, I can’t tell you.

  3. The Martian is a throwback to Old Timey SF when our stalwart hero uses Science!(tm) to solve all life’s problems. (XKCD has it dead right.) Very enjoyable of its type, but if you’re looking for deep characterization, you’re doomed to disappointment. (I can’t imagine this as a twentyish book series that I would reread back to back in two weeks, for example.)

  4. Yeah, I cut my teeth on those. Which is why, when I, and then Steve and I, decided to write science fiction, we swore that there would be people present.

    In fact, those kinds of books are probably the reason why so many girls decided to write science fiction when they grew up.

    It never made any sense to me, even when I was Just A Reader, that SF should be so character-shy. It’s not like characterization is particularly hard, right? SF likes to look down on Romance as a Lesser Genre, but I’m telling you, SF could still learn a thing or five from Romance.

  5. Ah, I get it. Thank you both for the clarifications. Now the xkcd is making me smile. Also smiling about ‘SF could learn from romance,’ because so many of my favorite authors are ones who sneak some romance into their SF stories. You & Anne McCaffrey topping the list.

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