Steve says:
We may have finally found a place capable of doing a new round of quality Liaden related shirts and t-shirts, including some embroidered items. We’re due to talk in depth with these folks RSN — as in after our book tour.
In our as yet very preliminary discussions a question of quantity comes up, because while embroidered items can be done on an “each” basis (we’ve got several samples on hand of the embroidery quality), the screen-printing process works best for larger quantities. So, without specifying colors/special wording or the like, we need to figure out if there’s a current market for Liaden-themed t-shirts as well as denim embroidered. Yes, there’s a minimum practical number, but we’re not sure yet where that will turn out to be.
What do you think? Would you want one t-shirt? Three? One for every day of the week? Multiple colors? We’ll be asking on our Facebook groups and while we’re on tour.
This is preliminary interest, these are surveys and not order-taking. Nothing firm will happen until later in the summer or early fall.
I would potentially be very interested in a T-shirt, and I might buy one for my sister, too. What might they look like?
I like embroidered t-shirts. That being said the Tree and Dragon design that I saw on your other shirts did not inspire me to make a purchase. I am not complaining I belive it is very hard to get good original art work. But for me to buy, the design would have to match the quality of your fiction.
I’d like to say a few words about courtesy here. Thank you for giving me the opportunity.
The Clan Korval artwork — like most artwork — was created by a live human being, with feelings. Just like, oh, books and music are created by live human beings with feelings. It’s perfectly understandable that not all art, or writing, or music are to everyone’s taste, but one needn’t be cruel in saying so.
In this case, a simple, “not interested” would have sufficed, or even no reply at all.
They would very likely sport the Tree-and-Dragon logo that we’ve been using since…1998. Other than that, as it says in the original post — we don’t know.
I’d be interested in a T-shirt! Especially if they were available in women’s sizes as well as men’s/unisex (that may be asking for the moon, I realize.)
I would be interested in denim shirt or jacket
Adding a Korval shirt to my collection of tees would be good, I’d just have to get rid of one in my collection to make room (I’m a pro level pack rat, and this keeps me from running out of closet before I run out of clothes).
I’d like a long-sleeved tee if available for a small woman.
Denim shirt for me.
I’d buy long-sleeved and/or short sleeved. Any color except white. I can always use t-shirts with designs. Just not flowery
I would be interested. Would need to see what they looked like and the cost.
I’d be interested in a screen-printed Tee.
My current policy is not to spend money on clothing that has words on it. For a Liaden shirt, in plus sizes, I would seriously consider asking someone else to spend money on it.