…that this is going to be a very busy week.
Actually, today is rather laid-back (ignore the running around in circles and the declarations that this book will be the death of me; business as usual at this stage, and actually a positive sign), but things start to rev up tomorrow with a podcast interview, then two flavors of medical visits on Wednesday, and a end-of-week in-house interview with The Maine Edge. We have also just been told that one of the old stone houses in Old Orchard Beach/Ocean Park is for sale at a price that is…above our touch, but not that much above our touch. We need to think seriously about whether we can fit two writers and four cats in 1,036 square feet, with no basement. And if we really want to add, “drive four hours round trip to look at a house” into this week’s mix, especially because!
I really need to print out the penultimate draft of Alliance on Sunday and use next week to go through it for the final edit (The Final Edit).
So! How’s your week shaping up?
FOUR cats?
Oops. Let the cat out of the bag. We’re 90% scheduled to take on Belle after the book tour, bringing us back up to a full complement of four. Belle is an
orangered Maine Coon; Sprite’s mom, in fact. This has been a while in the making, but we hadn’t publicized it, pending the last 10% falling into place.That is about the same size as my condo, which holds me and two cats.
It has room for me and I’ve had guests over which brings the count up to three sometimes, and we all fit.
However, there’s not much room for books, and I still have unsightly unpacked cardboard boxes on some of the walls, the contents of which I have no idea where I’d put them if unpacked.
Two car garage is cool. We often have two cars, though we don’t at the moment, and having both of them under roof in the snow would be…very useful.
How high are the ceilings? High ceilings can make all the difference for living in a smaller space without feeling crushed.
Did I just get filtered?
Um? This is a moderated blog. Your post went into the moderation queue. I happened to be on break and checked the mail pretty quick after it arrived. Sometimes, it might take a couple hours. Is that what you mean by “filtered”?
Final edit!!!!!! 🙂 and Sprite’s mom, yay, I hope that works out.
oo 2 car garage takes the strain off trying to fit *everything* into the “formal” living space..or with addition of a handy local heating source, can become an additional living space (read guestroom/library/den/writers’ refuge)in a pinch.
I’m recovering from a whirlwind trip to the Bay Area for an uncle’s memorial service. Pro: got to see the cousins I haven’t seen since I was 13, plus the remaining Auntie who I must say is quite the badass at 90. Con: To quote cousin Don, he was my last uncle on my Dad’s side. 🙁 Tuesday is Deployment Day for the release I tested so Wed-Fri may bring quick fixes for whatever we missed. The weekend brings Balticon and kayaking for the first time with one of my old sailing skippers. The Annapolis creeks should be warmish by now, right?
I really hope you get that house. I have NOT regretted having a garage this past winter – and I don’t have your Maine snowfalls. You can also use it for storage during the non-winter months to ease the move-in. Plus, it’s Old Orchard Beach, what can we say? Y’all love that place. Now I must put some prayers and good intentions towards y’all getting an offer on your current abode.
I’ll be excited to hear how Belle settles into the Clan.
Good luck with the to do list and the deadline –
Sharon: sorry, what I saw was when I hit “submit comment” my comment just… vanished. Not for the first time. My second comment, I changed my email address, and when I hit “submit comment” it said “your comment is awaiting moderation.” I was wondering if maybe you had a spam filter that had taken exception to me.
No, I did find another note from you in the spam bucket, which I released into the wild. Don’t know what’s up with that, but! We have a fix. Use the address that works.
Hopefully the house hunting went well. Is the podcast for BAEN?
Is Chimera still available to read? I am having a bit of a problem finding it on Baen.com. Thanks and good luck with the house.
Oops, found it ????
Indeed, the podcast is for Baen.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to live in a house by the sea! I hope this works out for you (unless for some reason you don’t like the place once you’ve seen it.)
Am about halfway through the Kindle edition of Dragon in Exile, and enjoying it immensely! So many interesting sociological issues to ponder. Kareen’s theory of the grid and the blocks, for instance–it’s quite refreshing to see Kareen applying her particular skills to the Clan’s necessity in such a constructive way (heh!)