News from Maine, the Liaden Universe® and Points Between
Houston, we have daffodil!
May 2, and the first of the Three Brave Daffodils trumpets its victory over winter.
Houston, we have daffodil
Looks like I have some bulb-digging and separating in my future. There’s, like, a sesquillion daffodils in that row, and they’re looking. . .rather crowded.
2 thoughts on “Houston, we have daffodil!”
Hopefully your snow flurries are over and Spring can arrive. Very pretty!
I hope some potential buyers notice and appreciate those heroic bulbs!
This horrific winter inspired me to put in some daffodils, too, as soon as I saw them coming up in other people’s yards. I bought a flat of them in bloom and plunked them right in the ground. No idea if they will come up next year, but it certainly felt wonderful to do it.
Hopefully your snow flurries are over and Spring can arrive. Very pretty!
I hope some potential buyers notice and appreciate those heroic bulbs!
This horrific winter inspired me to put in some daffodils, too, as soon as I saw them coming up in other people’s yards. I bought a flat of them in bloom and plunked them right in the ground. No idea if they will come up next year, but it certainly felt wonderful to do it.