In which Rolanni sums up

Oh, let’s see. . .

On Friday, Steve took his car, Argent, the 2002 silver Forester, to the shop to “get a sticker” as we say here in Maine.  Except, Argent did not get a sticker this year, and the reason is two words: Salt Rot, which has eaten through the underside of the chassis and perhaps the gas tank itself.  Steve will be taking Argent for a second opinion next week, but right now it’s looking like Argent’s days are numbered, indeed.

Yesterday, we went down south to look at houses.  Six houses, three-and-a-half hours.  I was Completely Exhausted by the end of it, and in awe of our real estate agent’s patience and fortitude.  Also, we did not find our dream house.

We did come home to find money in the mail:  royalty checks from our essay in Dragonwriter:  A Tribute to Anne McCaffrey and Pern. My half will cover the purchase of a new corn broom; Steve says he’s using his to buy a lobster dinner.

I may have been remiss in mentioning that the galleys for A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 3 arrived on Friday.  I proofed the first story this morning.

Tomorrow morning, Chapter Two of Shan and Priscilla Ride Again will be posted to Splinter Universe.  If you haven’t been following along, two outtake chapters, the prologue, and Chapter One, are all awaiting you.  You can start here.

If you haven’t seen this posted elsewhere:  Cheyenne Wright is the colorist for Girl Genius since Volume Five, and his work really brings the art to life.  Cheyenne and his family have also been mired in the Compleat Stupidity that has been 2015 thus far, and he is reaching out for help. If you’re so motivated, and you’re able, please do what you can.  Here’s the link.

Tomorrow, I have an appointment with the radiology department of my local hospital, so I may be somewhat scarce.

Work is still going forth on Alliance of Equals.

. . .and that catches us all up.

Except for Trooper.

Here, have a picture of Trooper.

Isn't he elegant?
Isn’t he elegant?

5 thoughts on “In which Rolanni sums up”

  1. If it’s any consolation, I’ve found that the process of looking at not-the-right-houses does clarify what really constitutes a right house, both for you and for your real estate agent. This refines the search process.
    Mind you I’ve never figured how couples manage to make decisions about big things like houses.

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