Books read in 2015

8.  Angels’ Blood, Nalini Singh (read out loud with Steve)
7.  The Pride of Chanur, C.J. Cherryh (re-read, read out loud with Steve)
6.  What Darkness Brings, C.S. Harris
5. When Maidens Mourn, C.S. Harris
4.  Where Shadows Dance, C.S. Harris
3.  What Remains of Heaven, C.S. Harris
2.  Where Serpents Sleep, C.S. Harris
1.  When Gods Die, C.S. Harris

2 thoughts on “Books read in 2015”

  1. I just read the Ben Aaronovitch RIVERS OF LONDON series and they are delightful. Try ’em and I think you’ll like them and find them well worth adding to your TBR pile. I am awaiting the new C.S. Harris and Patty Briggs books and since I had never read Anne Bishop but she and Patty are doing a joint tour I thought I would try her Others series. Now I have her third book in that series on pre-order too. The 3rd of March (only two more days away, YAY!) and I will start watching anxiously for the mail truck. If my self-control (I hate to wait!) fails I will probably download the Briggs DEAD HEAT for immediate gratification but I do prefer hardcovers for comfort while reading…unless it’s an eARC of DRAGON IN EXILE which I definitely couldn’t wait for! Thanks, BAEN, for your eARC program. Of course the hardcover is also on pre-order. To be clear, I am not urging you to start reading right away….selfish me, I want you to write while the words flow…but later when you relax the brain from its labors, much new reading goodness awaits you.

    All the best and am so glad Steve was able to bring Korval back.

    Take care and stay warm.

    Anne in Virginia

  2. I’m so relieved! Feedly no longer shows your blog posts and I’ve had a lingering concern that things were Not Well in the Lee Miller household. The last post I remember is the one about the ARC for Dragon in Exile being available. The Old Reader has your posts, but I can’t convince Feedly to show them…

    I can also recommend the Rivers of London books. I have recently read my way through all five and really enjoyed them. This binge consumption seems so different from the way I used to get my entertainment. Want to start watching a TV series that is starting its third season? Netflix, and a few episodes at a time. Want to read a new series? Nook (or Kindle, or any other ereader) and the moment one book is finished, buy and download the next. It’s so (too?) easy to be self-indulgent.

    I’m looking forward to coming to our book tour in early June.


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