Briefly noted

Today’s Baen Free Radio Hour features an interview with Sharon Lee (hey, that’s me!) talking with Baen editor and podmaster Tony Daniel about Carousel Seas, and!  Chapter 39 of Larry Correia’s Hard Magic, as read by Bronson Pinchot.   Here’s your link.

We here in Central Maine are currently trembling under the weight of a Winter Storm Watch.  The weatherbeans are calling 5-8 inches of snowfall Saturday night, with a delicate inch or two of ice added on Sunday.  We are Charging All The Things and hoping that the power stays on.

In celebration of the Storm Watch, I went into town today to perform Necessary Errands, and to leave the cover art for Dragon in Exile in the capable hands of Amy Cyrway at the Framemakers.  If it’s possible for anyone to be more excited about this art than Steve and me, then that person would be Amy.

Speaking of the Dragon in Exile cover art, Long-time and Always Intrepid Friend of Liad Mike Barker has worked out the kanji on the sign below the red dragon.  He tells me it reads “dragon dwelling in exile,” which is so cool, I may still swoon.  But not before I ask if there is anyone in the studio audience, or perhaps someone playing along at home who reads Arabic.  Because I’d really like to know if the letters over the red door to Miri’s right can be deciphered.

In other news, the Big Pile of Sebastian St. Cyr mysteries that I ordered before Christmas have arrived.  Seven books, no waiting.  That’ll keep me busy for a while.  Especially since I’m, yanno, supposed to be writing a book.

We’re looking at getting back to this whole writing thing on Monday.  Five weeks of being ill kind of took a sledgehammer to the writing schedule, the house schedule, the sleep schedule, and all the other schedules, with the possible exception of the cat-feeding schedule, though I vaguely recall Scrabble putting me on notice that she was considering filing a Formal Complaint.

It’ll be exciting, getting everything all lined up again. Honestly, you wouldn’t think, to look at us, that there were any schedules.  Just goes to show. . .something.

Everybody have a great weekend.


2 thoughts on “Briefly noted”

  1. I enjoyed your interview on Baen. Can hardly wait for my copy of Carousel Seas to arrive on my door step!
    BTW, while you’re sorting out all those schedules, Sharon, remember to schedule naps! We don’t want you to relapse… Take care!

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