Celebrations of the Season

All righty, then!

Today is December 15, the day on which we here in East Winslow and all of you Around the World! celebrate Trooper’s birthday!

Trooper is five years old today, and he has a full day planned.  Here’s just a glance at his celebratory calendar:

9 am     Breakfast with Mozart
9:30     Rassle with Sprite
9:45     Play in the water dish
9:55     Run up and down the hall, moobling loudly
10:00  Look out the back window, nap on bookshelf, check in with Mozart, nap in rocking chair
Noon  Mail call
12:05  Nap on couch with Sharon
3:00 ice cream!

. . .I think you can see that he intends to pull out all the stops for this Very Special Day.

Here’s a picture of Trooper from a little earlier in the year:

Sooper Trooper rockin' the red basket
Sooper Trooper rockin’ the red basket

As if Trooper’s Birthday weren’t enough reason for celebration, we here at Archers Beach — and all of you Around the World! — are on a short story watch.

Sometime after noon Eastern Time today,  “The Night Don’t Seem So Lonely,” ought to automagically appear on the front page of the Baen website.  I, of course will be very involved in the Birthday Celebrations (see above) and may not be keeping as close an eye on the interwebs as I might otherwise do.  Therefore, I am depending on you — yes, YOU! — to let the world — or at least all of your friends — know when the story goes live.

Thank you all for your assistance, and!

May the Joy of Trooper’s Birthday fill you with purrs.

* * *

Progress on Alliance of Equals
40,387/100,000 OR 40.4% COMPLETE

 A large black dragon soared wing-to-wing with a slightly smaller golden dragon.  They flew straight at her, or maybe she flew toward them; she felt the cool breeze flow along her wings, savored the tang in the air, and suddenly, they veered, and she did — or tried to, twisting as her wings failed her, and her balance, clutching for the nearest support —

4 thoughts on “Celebrations of the Season”

  1. What a day! Troopers birthday, a new short story (I have been watching for it) and a fantastic snippet. Thank you!

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