1. Have you ordered your signed and/or personalized copy of Carousel Seas from Uncle Hugo yet? No? Time’s running short. No, I really mean that time’s running short, if you want your pre-ordered signed copy of Carousel Seas personalized. That deadline is November 15, 2014 — which is next Saturday. So you need to do this now.
1A. Uncle Hugo will also be offering signed copies of Dragon in Exile. More on that as we get closer to June.
2. Steve Miller and Sharon Lee will be Principal Speakers at PhilCon, November 21 – 23. We will not only be giving a speech — which is a thing I do but rarely, so you know you want to hear this one — but we will — rather, our traveling companions will be hosting a Teddy Bear Tea* on Saturday, November 22 at 11 a.m. Coffee, tea, cookies will be served, so bring your favorite stuffed animal to share an hour of refinement, relaxation and camaraderie.
3. If you so desire, you may order a limited edition print of the cover of Dragon in Exile from the artist, David Mattingly, by writing to him at davidATdavidmattinglyDOTcom. In case you missed it, here’s the front panel of the Dragon in Exile cover:

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As advertised elsewhere, Steve and I took each other to see Big Hero Six for our anniversary. We both liked it a lot. Steve is thinking he might like to see Interstellar; despite the presence of Michael Caine, I’m not so sure. (“Look, professor! A black hole!” I mean — c’mon, guys.) I definitely want to see Into the Woods, though.
. . .and I think that’s all the news that’s fit to print.
* * *
Progress on Alliance of Equals
23,048/100,000 OR 23% complete
He flung a hand up and toward the screen, fingers sketching disdain.
“This is the enemy that Korval cannot defeat.”
“Nor can we,” she observed, drily.
He sniffed.
“Nor have we. Yet.”
Nummy snippet.
I’ve decided I going to have to see Interstellar. Sound physics, rave reviews from my colleagues and friends-who-are-movie-buffs, and it’s on in Imax down the street.
Looking forward to seeing you at Philcon.
My husband’s movie buff friends say that the film has sound issues – there are sections where the characters are experiencing much noise and cannot hear each other – and shout a lot…and the filmmakers worked hard to recreate that experience for you the viewer – so you can’t hear anything that is going on in those scenes and it is hard on the ears. Just FYI.