So, we got about a foot of snow yesterday. Wet, goopy snow that was not a pleasure to shovel off the deck and the stairs and the cars, but it got done, and now the sun is doing its bit by warming the snow enough that it’s dripping off of the branches and the roof. So, yay, solar energy.
Steve took one of the cleaned-off cars and went off to his follow-up-from-surgery-doctor-appointment, and thence to the grocery store. The mailman hasn’t been by yet, but I’m expecting that today is not a real treat for rural delivery, either.
I’ve started the laundry, and made phone calls to the people I called last week, who didn’t return my call. Possibly, this week will be my lucky week.
And! Tomorrow is election day here in Maine. I cannot begin to tell you how much I want this election to be over and done with. So, everybody vote, right? So we can put the election away knowing that we did our best, even if none of the candidates quite managed it.
This week also encloses the 34th anniversary of our actual, legal wedding. We plan to celebrate a day late, and do maybe a dinner out, and view Hero Number 6.
The view from the bedroom window is eerie. I can see right across the road, and the neighbor’s picket fence. When I was out this morning, I checked on the downed cedar tree. It broke off right ground level, and fell across a corner of the Cat Garden, nudging the stake bearing the cat weathervane out of its way, by a couple inches.
In celebration of It Having Snowed , the cats are doing. . .cat things. Photographic evidence below:

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Progress on Alliance of Equals
15,661 out of 100,000 OR 15.66% complete
“Val Con is yos’Phelium and a scout. He’s obliged to find the — former homeworld tiresome.”
OMG, there’s already a title–not to mention more than ten percent of the draft? How exciting!