In which the author has technology. . .and cats

So, we here at the Confusion Factory have been plotting.

Plotting books, that is, since we have four left to write on the current contract.

We are, of course, most closely plotting the next book in line, Book The Second, and in the spirit of that plotting, I devoted my morning to reading the 26,000-ish words removed from Dragon in Exile because they didn’t belong there.  It’s now Steve’s turn to read those words, while I commence in to reading a large-ish chunk of Crystal Dragon.

In order to read in comfort, I of course repaired to the couch, where I very soon gathered Able Assistants.  I took my smartphone with me, and made some notes on it, via Evernote, which were conveniently awaiting me on the desktop when I came back to my office after lunch.

Yay! technology.

On the weather front, we seem to have survived the season’s first nor’easter:  three days of wind and rain, and rain and wind, and, for a change, rain and wind.  The sky is appreciably brighter, by which I mean, it’s a sort of semi-luminous slate-grey.  Possibly tomorrow we will see the fabled sun described in tales of yore.

And now, I’m headed back for the couch and the day’s second bout of reading.

The glamor, yeah.  Non-stop.

Here, before I go.  Have some pictures of my assistants, hard at work:

Sprite, sending support from Her Royal Throne
Sprite, sending support from Her Royal Throne
Trooper climbed up and arranged himself in the most convenient place, after I wouldn't let him sleep on the pages
Trooper climbed up and arranged himself in the most convenient place, after I refused to let him sleep on the pages


. . .later, he moved down by my feet
. . .later, he moved down by my feet


3 thoughts on “In which the author has technology. . .and cats”

  1. I am SO confused…I thought You were Staff for the cats; not the other way around.

  2. It’s rather exciting that you are taking a close look at Crystal Dragon in order to prepare for the next book in the series. I love whenever present-day Clan Korval remembers (and honors) “Grandmother Cantra”.

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