This was the scene of debauchery we discovered in our living room, yesterday afternoon:

This morning, we slept in somewhat, in celebration of the fact that tomorrow heralds the return of The Schedule. Steve made us asparagus omelets with hollandaise sauce for breakfast, after which I retired to the couch to elevate my foot and finish the book I was reading. Those tasks now accomplished, I will turn my attention toward speech-writing, and laundry-finishing, as Steve has dealt with the dishes.
For those playing along at home — we’ve gotten feedback from a fan on Dragon on Exile, which I reproduce here: “Wow.”
So, that’s coming in June 2015.
. . .and I think that’s all the news that’s fit to print.
I was about to say, Two and then I saw the 3rd head.
I don’t see the eARC on the Baen site, how did the fan get it? When will it be available?
Well, of course you don’t see the eARC on the Baen site. We only turned the book in on September 14; it’s September 30 now. An eARC for a June 2015 book would be available — at the earliest — in February 2015.
The fan got the manuscript because I gave it to her.
Authors often ask trusted fans to be beta readers.