Steve tells me that “Deep in the Heart of Texas” is less desirable as an earworm than “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?”
You be the judge.
So, yesterday, we went to the ocean. Here’s a picture of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Maine edition, as seen from the top of Brown Street, in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, which is approximately the view Kate Archer has from the summer parlor at the house at the top of Dube Street, in Archers Beach:

Photo by Sharon Lee
It was a bright and sunny day, with the breeze off the ocean. Steve and I bundled up and walked the beach for a while, then cut uptown and took pictures of various things that caught our fancies. Mostly, we were working blind, it being that sunny, and both of us having surrendered our viewfinders for the convenience of cameras that make it impossible to block photographs in strong sunlight.
What an age we live in.
Here’s a picture of Daddy’s, familiar to those who may have read Carousel Sun:

photo by Sharon Lee
. . .and here’s a picture of Steve, standing in front of the carousel’s storm gate:

Photo by Sharon Lee
After we had walked around some, we stopped at JJ’s Two for lunch (barbecue meatloaf, mmmmm), walked back to the car and wandered up to Pine Point to look at the ducks. We were not disappointed. I didn’t get a picture of the ducks — big white and black ducks, and mallards, and little black ducks, all swimming around with the crowd of seagulls.
We left town through the Scarborough Marsh, and counted more than a dozen herons on frog-hunt, and also — ducks.
We came home by way of Giffords, for milkshakes, then read a couple chapters of Jim Hetley’s Ghost Point before moving on to lunch (meatloaf reprise, on whole wheat rolls, mmmmm), and so to bed.
This morning, we hit the Button Down Cafe at the Hathaway center for breakfast, which was very tasty. The owner, Mrs. K, was very pleasant and we had a good time, in addition to a good meal. Definitely going back for lunch, soon.
Thus fortified, we hit the redemption center, the post office, and did the grocery shopping. Now, we’re home, and the rest of the day for me is the chores I neglected last week while Steve does a read-through of The WIP.
It is, by the way, another sunny and warm day (38F/3C).
Tonight, it’s supposed to snow.
In other news, the new comb Princess Sprite ordered arrived in today’s mail, as has Code Name Verity.
And now?
To the Dyson!
For those who didn’t grow up with Mitch Miller, and have therefore been unfairly shielded from the earworm, the title of today’s blog post comes from “Deep in the Heart of Texas”. Here’s your link. And — you’re welcom.
Were the herons actually getting any frogs? It’s too cold here, yet, for that kind of feast.
Now I’m hungry for meatloaf.
And it’s a Friday in Lent. :/
One definitely got something — frog or fish. I saw it wriggling in the beak.
Thank you (?!) for the new ear worm. the old one has been noodling me for about a month, but I feel quite confident in this one’s power to supplant it.
Sounds as if you had a lovely time.