Check me on this: Today is April 16, yes?
Well, on the overnight — that would be the night of April 15 — it snowed, and when I awoke this morning at Ohghod o’clock, necessary because of those appointments and errands we had discussed in this space yesterday, there was three inches of fresh snow between me and my car — and also, of course on the car.
But, wait, there’s more!
It had rained like a sonofagun all day yesterday, which meant that there was a nice coating of ice beneath the snow.
So, I made it to my early medical appointments on time, by leaving very early, even by my standards. By the time I was in town proper, the roads were in pretty good shape — slushy, but doable — but out in our neck of the woods, things were still a little dicey when I left, even though the town plow had been through.
The medical stuff went along pretty quickly. I did have a little bit of downtime in the waiting room, where I wrote 68 words in longhand, which points up an existing scene and makes it more poignant (yes, you WILL cry). This was, may I just add, My Entire Writing Output for the Day.
That taken care of, I motored over to Selah Tea for a long-delayed breakfast and coffee! Veggie frittata FTW! After that, I walked down to gym, then ’round the corner to Universal Bread Bakers, to take on a loaf of whole wheat bread, still hot. (“If it survives the day,” says Adrian the baker, “just put it in a plastic bag. It will stay fresh.” Yes, well. It may survive the day. . .)
Next stop was the Framemakers, where I arrived amid scaffoldings and glaziers. It would seem that last night after the bars had closed, someone decided to karate-kick the plate glass windows at the front of the store (where artworks and pottery are often on display), connected, and shattered the whole — including the rounded corner of antique glass that, as it was discovered later, cannot be replaced, because no one in Maine does that kind of work anymore. The slightly good news is that the gentleman was caught by the police, and conducted to jail, where he’s reportedly charged with a felony, because — antique, irreplaceable glass.
I left the cover art for Carousel Seas in Amy’s capable hands for framing, and hope soon to have it on my wall with the cover art for its sister books.
After that, it was just cleaning up the minor errands, and I was home in time to have a late-ish lunch of soup and salad and — still warm! — bread with Steve.
Tomorrow, Minou the fur coat bear and I assay the dentist for what one devoutly hopes is the last in a series. Then, I really need to get some writing done.
So! What’ve you been doing on this beautiful spring day?
I have been sifting through piles and piles of paper trying to wrestle the former bookstore’s bookkeeping into a state Fit For Tax Prep. So far the numbers are winning. I wound up pulling an all-nighter (1st since grad school) because I want the Darned Thing Done and now I am slightly cross-eyed. The dog has been a major help at keeping the screaming mimis at bay – I wish I could take *him* with me to the dentist. He’d likely bite the doc, though, the minute I say OW. To quote Uncle Bill, I’m tarred….
Oh – I picked up the Smashwords vintage of Halfling Moon and am enjoying it very much. 🙂 It’s purring on the Kobo.
dermatologist appt for me (1 biopsy), retina surgery follow-up for Tony, then wine dinner pairing for both; other little bits in between
Ran errands also getting ready to go to the beach for Easter with my Godchild & her Mom. It was so cold here today, Burrrrrr! but my snow is gone! Happy Easter!