A Portrait of the Princess

It’s still snowing here at the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory.  I’ve been doing Boring But Necessary work — balancing the checkbook, updating links, and whatnot.  I’m thinking this afternoon belongs to the Yule cards — to get them off my desk, if for no other reason.  Then I have to figure out who to call at the ACA because the Promised Specialist hasn’t called, and hisorher time is up.  That’s probably for tomorrow — after I get the Yule cards off of the top of the file.

I want to assure everyone that I have not been undertaking the BBN work alone.  I have had supervision:

Princess Sprite in her fortress. Photo by Sharon Lee
Princess Sprite in her fortress.
Photo by Sharon Lee

And, yanno?  Now looks like a good time to take a break and shovel some snow.

* * *

Progress on One of Five
13,321/100,000 words OR 13.32% Complete

But, there. Quin was. . .mostly. . .quite sensible, wasn’t he? And didn’t he, regardless, spend time better used for reading, or for exercising, threading beads along wires and chains? Indeed, some of his creations were quite pretty, and could at least be given as gifts, and worn. There was some cachet, too, in the wearing of a handmade jewel; even if the stones were semi-precious, at best.

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