I have today hung pictures on the wall over my desk. Photographic proof is below.
In the process of shifting this to get to that other thing that always attends any project, though it’s never anticipated at the outset, I found and destroyed a cache of old Bulletins and SFWA directories, the Officers’ Guidelines from 1999 and 2000, a half-dozen Romance Sells containing ads for Lee and Miller novels, and four issues of Analog, containing reviews of our work.
I threw it all out! Except the Analogs. It felt wonderful.
So, a productive day.
I decided not to rehang some of the pictures I’d taken down. The Mouse and Dragon print and the kitty-under-a-blanket are holding place for the art for Carousel Seas, which will be along, so I trust, in the Fullness of Time.

You can tell that this is my work because everything is crooked.
Or so I imagine.
Everything I hang is always crooked, though I’m damned if I know how people can tell.
But! Enough fun for one day! Time to go put the bed back together and do some dishes.