Many thanks to everyone who sent Hevelin cites! We have them all now, and Madame the Editor sends her gratitude! You guys are great.
* * *
Advertent readers will have noticed that Dragon Ship bore a dual dedication — to Anne McCaffrey and to Rusty Hevelin.
While many, many readers knew Anne and/or her work, fewer people knew Rusty, who was an active and impish presence in the science fiction community for 70 years. Yes, you read that right. Seventy years.
I met Rusty when his hair was still red (here’s a picture from that era), at. . .CONfusion, I guess it was, in the late 1970s, and we’d run into him, in the way of con-going fandom, off and on over the years. I think I last saw him to speak to at the Denver WorldCon in 2008, where he greeted me with, “Good to see you here! Denvention THREE. Who would have thought?” (Here’s what he looked like, then.)
By reason of having been a member of the community for so many years, Rusty, of course, knew everybody. And it was this aspect of him that Steve and I chose to celebrate when we created Hevelin the norbear for the Liaden Universe®.
Now, for the last several years of his life, Rusty made his home with Joe and Gay Haldeman, who are Personages in the sf community — and very nice people. It is on behalf of the Haldemans that Madame the Editor asks her boon.
Madame would like to locate all of the sections in the Liaden books that feature Hevelin the norbear, in order to send them to the Haldemans. I think this is lovely; I think they’ll be amused. Hell, I think Rusty would have been amused.
I will appoint myself as gathering-point. What I would like to ask, adding my plea to Madame’s is this:
If those who have the time would send to me, at rolanniATkorvalDOTcom, scenes in which Hevelin appears, I would very much appreciate it.
I will need the following information:
Title of Book (and if included in a omnibus edition)
Pages on which scene starts and ends (if paper) with a search phrase from the scene
Cut ‘n paste of the scene itself (if electronic)
. . .I’m thinking that Hevelin first appears in Mouse and Dragon, and has parts in Saltation, (possibly) Ghost Ship, and Dragon Ship. Please note that we are at this time only interested in Hevelin; other norbears need not apply.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Sharon, I really got a kick out of learning who Hevelin the norbear was named in honor of. That’s a sweet way to be remembered.
I think I might have recently seen him having a cuddle with Kara ven’Arith on Codrescu station! I’ll have to check.
Thanks for remembering Rusty thusly. I miss his annual presense at Demicon and it filled a place in my heart to read of Hevelin the norbear in Mouse and Dragon.
It seems Rusty was well loved in science fiction fandom.