1. This year, I’m participating in the Clarion West Write-a-Thon. This is Clarion West’s major annual fundraising event; all money raised goes to support the workshop that has produced dozens of professional writers and changed the lives of thousands.
2. As you may know, Mike Brotherton is one of the leaders of the LaunchPad Astronomy Workshop for Science Fiction writers. The workshop had previously been partially funded through NASA and the NSF. Funding cuts at those agencies means that LaunchPad is looking for funds elsewhere.
3. If you like trivia contests, you may want to put daily play at freekibble.com onto your schedule. For every trivia question answered (two are posted each day), 10 pieces of kibble are donated to a shelter dog/cat. The kibble is donated whether your answer is right or wrong.
4. Also, remember freerice.com, where every correct answer wins 10 grains of rice to the World Food Programme to help end hunger. You can rack up 1,000 grains of rice without breaking a sweat, so remember to set a timer before you start to play.
5. Another picture from the BEA, this one taken at Saturday’s book signing:

Photo by Jim Minz
* * *
Progress on Carousel Seas
80,649/100,000 OR 80.65% complete
“So, you’re thinking world domination?” he murmured.
“Who wants all that work?”