From the email bag

Steve and I are often asked which bookstore sales give us the most royalties on our books.  The answer to that is:  We get the same percentage of cover, no matter where the book is sold; our piece of the action is set in our contract with our publisher.  So, please, buy our books at your favorite bookstore, but — do buy 🙂

Today brings an inquiry regarding which ebook store we prefer our novels to be downloaded from.

That’s both an easier and a more complicated answer.

The only source for Lee-and-Miller, and Lee, eNovels (saving The Tomorrow Log, Barnburner, and Gunshy, about which more in a moment) is Baen Ebooks.  Here’s your link.

The source for Lee-and-Miller, and Lee, eChapbooks, and! novels The Tomorrow Log, Barnburner, and Gunshy) is Pinbeam Books, which is owned and operated by Lee and Miller.  Here’s your link.

To reiterate, the only source for Lee-and-Miller, and Lee, eNovels is Baen Ebooks.

Now!  You may download books from Baen in all the popular formats, DRM-Free (that means you can put your books on multiple devices and aren’t locked into one bookstore, like, say, Amazon, or BN):

  • Mobi/Kindle/Palm
  • EPUB/Nook/Stanza
  • Sony LRF
  • Rocketbook
  • RTF
  • MS Reader
  • HTML/Online

And there are instructions for putting your books on your iThing, Kindle, and Nook.

I have heard from more than one person that even with the instructions, it’s hard to get the books onto Nooks and/or Kindles.  If you’ve found that to be so, then the very best thing you can do, for yourself, for Baen, for your favorite authors, and for other ebook readers, is to write to Baen eBook Support and calmly detail the difficulties you’re having.  We all want your books to work.  Here’s the email address (you will need to put an @ in the correct place and remove the AT):


Regarding eReaders. . .Let me share my experience.

My Android phone actually convinced me  that I liked reading eBooks, and led directly to my purchase of my very first eReader — the basic black-and-white Nook.  I was very happy with it, but BN stopped supporting it after awhile, and the reader itself started to act wonky, and so I looked around for another eReader to replace it.

I quickly became convinced that buying a subpar tablet tied specifically to a store that imposed DRM on my purchases was not in my own best interest.  So, I started shopping Real Tablets.  I shopped HARD, found a sale, and have been for a while the proud owner of a Samsung Galaxy 7.0 Plus, which does email, plays music, streams videos, and a dozen other things that I’ll never use (just like the Kindle Fire and the Nook), but! it also allows me access to  multiple eReaders.

I have a Nook reader, a Kindle reader, and Aldiko Premium on my tablet, so I’m not tied to one platform, and I’m not tied to one vendor.

If I had it to do over again, I’d probably buy a Google Nexus Tablet — Steve has one, and it’s a lot easier to use than the Galaxy (plus Samsung does some annoying things about trying to lock users into their protocols, which, had I known, I might’ve waited a little longer for the Google Tab, myself) — and costs no more than the new Kindles and Nooks.

So, that’s my story, and I hope it’s useful.


2 thoughts on “From the email bag”

  1. I would love to get your books directly from Amazon on the Kindle. I’ll try to figure out how to do it with the Baen site. But it’s so easy using Amazon….

  2. Ok it wasn’t too bad, but still I would have rather been reading for the past 30 minutes. I order & downloaded Ghost Ship, which I don’t have and went ahead and ordered and downloaded The Agent Gambit, Korvals Game and the Dragon Variation (even though I own the books) so I can have them on my Kindle for the next time I want to re-read. Love the portablity and no reading glasses required with the nice large font 🙂

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