In which Rolanni can’t count

Sigh.  Every so often, someone will ask me how many books we’ve published — or even, how many Liaden books we’ve published.  And when that happens, I usually gabble out a number that’s more or less in the ballpark, I think, because who the heck knows how many books we’ve seen published?  Certainly not me.

Well, today, because I was writing a press release, I definitively needed to know for myself how the heck many books are out there with a Lee-and-Miller byline on the cover, so I made a list.

And I still got it wrong.

So, I’m going to ask you all to help me out.  Here’s the list:

1. Agent of Change (1988)
2. Conflict of Honors (1988)
3. Carpe Diem (1989)
4. Plan B (1998)
5. Local Custom (2001)
6. Scout’s Progress (2001)
7. I Dare (2002)
8. The Tomorrow Log (2003)
9. Balance of Trade (2004)
10. Crystal Soldier (2005)
11. Crystal Dragon (2006)
12. Sword of Orion (2006)
13. Duainfey (2008)
14. Longeye (2009)
15. Fledgling (2009)
16. Saltation (2010)
17. Mouse and Dragon (2010)
18. Ghost Ship (2011)
19. Dragon Ship (2012)
20. Necessity’s Child (2013)
21. Trade Secret (under contract)

22. Barnburner (2002)
23. Gunshy (2006)
24. Carousel Tides (2010)
25. Carousel Sun (under contract)
26. Carousel Seas (under contract)

Check me now:

I make this (now) to be:
20 Lee-and-Miller novels turned in and scheduled/published
16 Liaden novels turned in and scheduled/published
19 Lee-and-Miller novels published by the end of 2012
15 Liaden books published by the end of 2012
4 collaborative non-Liaden novels
1 Liaden book under contract

Sharon has:
3 books published under her byline:
2 mysteries
1 contemporary fantasy
2 contemporary fantasy books under contract

Is this correct?

This is a relatively modest list of publications.  I am a relatively bright woman.  You’d think I could keep this straight. . .

In other news, and as reported above, I spent today writing press releases and doing some other bidness-of-writing stuff.  Shortly, I will declare quitting time and go read.

Yesterday?  I packed t-shirts.  All of the US orders will go into the mail tomorrow morning.  While I’m at the post office, I will pick up the various customs forms for mailing the overseas orders, which I hope to mail on Tuesday.

Also?  Here’s a picture of Socks:

Silversocks at home, July 22, 2012

2 thoughts on “In which Rolanni can’t count”

  1. What about the Chapbooks? You have Unibus I and II at Baen and whatever you’ve been working on lately even if you didn’t want to count each title individually.

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