On returning from the north country

We had a lovely time at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics in Limestone on Friday.  A nice group of students and teachers came to hear us talk about the writing life, and then we headed back down to central Maine in the beginning swirls of a snowstorm.

By the time we hit Mars Hill, the snow was thick rain, and from Houlton onward, just rain, with the temps dancing between 34 and 36F (1 t0 2C) and moose potentially on the move.  Still, we made it home in good time, even with stopping off at the Unity House of Pizza to take on a double-garlic pizza.

Unfortunately, the cold I caught in a much less virulent form than Steve did several weeks ago took advantage of our travels to come back on me like a ton of bricks.  No fair!  So, I’ll be working from the couch again today, and hope to avoid the two-hour nap attack that ate into yesterday’s production of words.

Remember!  Fanboy Glass has Tree-and-Dragon glassware for your every need.

Also, Steve has been busy with the conversion of various bits of a Miri Robertson/Klamath novel.  You can read the intro here  and the first bit here.  To the best of my knowledge, he plans to get another bit up on the site tomorrow, Monday, March 19, so…watch the skies.  Or at least, the webpage.

For those keeping score at home, the To-Do List now looks like this:

1.   Turn in Necessity’s Child — March 31

2.  Go to Meriden for Socks — April 1

3.  Talk at Rockland, Maine Public Library — April 5 (6:30 p.m.)

4.  ConQuesT — May 25-27

5.  Turn in short story to Baen — July 1

6.  Turn in Trade Secret — July 15

7.  Figure out the Liaden audible lexicon

8.  Convert Barnburner and Gunshy into ebooks

9.  Feasibility study:  remodel bathroom

Progress on Necessity’s Child (tbfkaG)
89,908/100,000 words OR 89.9%

A gadje woman with sleepy green eyes and long black hair leaned against the side wall, her arms crossed over her chest.

One thought on “On returning from the north country”

  1. As far as I can see, Fanboy glass do not ship outside North America. In other word, i have to give up, shipments to Sweden will not happen

    The Lurker from teh North

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