Steve and I have commenced our annual reading of Roger Zelazny’s A Night in the Lonesome October, in which we follow Jack and Snuff and the progress of The Game down through the month of October. We here at the Cat Farm read one chapter a night, alternating who reads aloud. Who else is reading along with us?
This morning, no doubt assisted in the endeavor by the soothing sound of rain against the bedroom windows ( Mozart helped, too), we slept in, and had a late, leisurely breakfast. Fans of Mozart will be pleased to learn that he is still asleep on the bed.
I have already(!) printed out the 240 existing pages of Necessity’s Child. I’ll be taking it, a red pen, a black pen and a yellow pad with me to the couch a little later in the day. But first, I have chores, and errands to do in town.