When I come back to bed, someone’s taking my place

Up early to take Mozart to the vet’s to have dental work done, then home for a visit from the c-pap nurse, eat lunch, and go back into town to pick Mozart up from the vet’s.

Between all that, Steve and I took a walk; I did. . .all? Really? of the laundry, and converted Eidolon, Misfits, Halfling Moon, Skyblaze, and The Cat’s Job into Smashbooks.  This leaves only four chapbooks, a slim volume of poetry and a novel to convert.

I do believe I’ll be pleased to see the back of this particular project.

For those of an opinionated turn of mind, NPR is looking to compile a list of the 100 Best SF and Fantasy books. You can submit your favorites here. Please note that the rules allow the nomination of a series as one work — the Liaden Universe® novels do qualify.

It’s somehow gotten later than I thought it would be by this time, if that makes any sense. The pain meds seem to have worn off poor Mo, who now can’t quite settle down. I offered him some wet food, but, no, he wanted cat crunchies. Made my teeth hurt, just watching him.

Regardless of which, I ought to get something to eat, my own self.

3 thoughts on “When I come back to bed, someone’s taking my place”

  1. WGBH radio had a talk program on summer reading this afternoon. One of the callers mentioned your books – specifically Balance of Trade and Local Custom as good places to start in the series.

  2. Oh, excellent!

    Thank you for letting me know — and thanks to the caller-in at WGBH!

  3. I had also posted this on the ‘Eagles’ blog but LJ seems to have eaten the post!

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