In which Monday laughs last

So! Tomorrow’s Tuesday. Pooh.

Today saw some work on the Pinbeam Books site, a massive slaying of the dish monster and a nice picnic lunch of no-soy veggie burger on a roll, macaroni salad, and root beer, with frozen yogurt for dessert.

Having feasted, I returned to my office with the intention of adding more words to George, which I did do eventually, though it took longer than it ought to have to find my lead.

And now? Lunch time and early-ish to bed, because play-time’s over and tomorrow we work.

Progress on the Book Presently known as George
40,106 words/100,000 OR 40% complete

It was not particularly easy to shell peas one-handed, but it could be done, and, after some practice, done with a certain amount of dexterity.

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