I seen a peanut stand, heard a rubber band; saw a needle that winked its eye

Well, so.  Steve ventured out into the snow showers early to mail the marked up galleys of Korval’s Game back to North Carolina.  I stayed home and updated the welcome page here at Sharon Lee, Writer, and dithered around the house, trying to figure out where the story was kinked.

Steve returned home, bearing birdfood, and I filled up the feeders, with him spotting me for the one that requires an over-the-head-stretch to set back on the pole (not a recommended placement).

(Finally) Figured out where the kink was, and talked it over with Steve when we met for dinner.  Then, after dinner got down to it.

I wrote about 1400 words today, but the numbers aren’t going to reflect that, because I cut 800 (which I may use later), retaining 900+ for the new! improved! narrative.

The flow is much better now.  Of course, now I’ve got three viewpoints weaving one plot, which is ambitious for a short piece, but the lazy way wasn’t working.

Now, we’re going to both knock off, watch a movie and relax.

Tomorrow, back to the word mines.

Progress on “Intelligent Design”
2,330 out of 10,000 words OR 23.30%

2 thoughts on “I seen a peanut stand, heard a rubber band; saw a needle that winked its eye”

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